Prince Vampire

Read Prince Vampire for Free Online

Book: Read Prince Vampire for Free Online
Authors: Amarinda Jones
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction, Romantic Erotica
surprised as he stood watching his woman talking to another. There was nothing particularly special about this Aureliann. The women in their own homeland were more beautiful than her.
    “So this is the woman my do-gooder sap of a cousin is in love with?” Victor was only too aware that tradition decreed that the men in his family married mortal women. It was said to give them strength. Any male children from the bond were vampires. Victor had never understood how such pale and uninteresting creatures could provide the strong heirs that they did. They seemed too weak and placid to him and he believed that being mated to one of these women was where the problems started. It weakened a vampire being attached to a mortal. He had seen it in his father. He had been besotted with his mother. Victor had never understood the attraction. While he had respected his mother, Victor had never taken the woman seriously. She had not been a vampire and therefore she had been inferior in his eyes.
    Oh yes, this woman looked beddable enough with those buxom curves but she was not someone who would be anything more than a good fuck. And yet, like all of his line, Victor was expected to hear the call of a woman and fall victim to her and lose his immortality.
    “I will never answer any call. I will not fall. I refuse to,” he spat the words out angrily as he watched the woman. If he helped his cousin with the woman then his cousin was weakened and that worked in Victor’s favor. However he also knew it was believed that the right woman strengthened his kinsman and the kingdom. Victor blew out an angry sigh. Killing Valdemar would be the best option as whatever power the woman had over him would die as well. The problem was that Victor knew the people of the realm would rise up against him. He had too few allies there. That was another reason he had come to this city of Brisbane. He was looking for some scum-of-the-earth mercenary vampires to aid him. They lurked in all cities. Victor planned to find them and promise them anything they wanted in order to help him succeed.
    “Then I will crush them as I plan to crush the plebs.”

Chapter Four
    “He doesn’t even know where I live so why am I getting all worked up over nothing?” Aureliann paced around her living room wringing her hands. The talk with Temperance had helped but the problem still remained. Was Prince Valdemar who he said he was?
    “Do I believe him or do I check myself into a hospital room with rubber walls? The laundromat thing could have been a fluke and— Oh great, now I’m talking to myself.” She threw her hands up into the air. “I just know he knows where I am.” Aureliann felt it in her bones and as much as this scared her, she wanted him to come to her. She walked over and peered outside the window once more. The street outside looked the same as it did any other night. Aureliann had changed outfits a dozen times since showering, finally settling on a nightdress to indicate she did not care whether he came or not. “Anyway, that’s the plan,” she muttered and jumped when the doorbell rang. She had not meant to race to answer it.
    “But then I never meant to have sex in a laundromat.” Aureliann threw the door open. The three small bodies belonging to the kids across the road clutching books of raffle tickets stood there. “Oh what are you kids doing wandering around in the dark?” She grabbed her purse and bought some raffle tickets as they knew she would. She was a soft touch. “Now go home.” Aureliann stood and waited until they were safely inside their own home before shutting the door. She looked down at the tickets. “Great. Just what I need. A trailer full of beer.”
    “I have never understood the human need for intoxication.”
    Aureliann screamed and the tickets and her purse flew out of her hands. She swung around and saw him. He was everything she remembered and more. She felt hot and dizzy like she had drunk too much wine.

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