Powerful Magic

Read Powerful Magic for Free Online

Book: Read Powerful Magic for Free Online
Authors: Karen Whiddon
And Kenric could win an academy award for his performance, if that's what it was.
               So, she continued to stare blindly at the man while he worked.   She had to figure out what was going on.   So far she'd eliminated a dream, eliminated a practical joke.   Then what, exactly, had happened to her after she'd been hit by lightening?   Had she even been hit by lightening?
               First, she needed to ascertain the facts.   Where this cave was located, the month, the year, the day.  
               "What year is it?"   She blurted.
               Kenric paused in his work to look at her, his piercing dark eyes inscrutable.   "Did you hit your head?"
               "No.   Yes."   Clasping the blanket around her, she drew nearer to the fire.   "I can't remember the year, or the month."
               "I see."   His smile, when it came, was gorgeous.   A movie star smile, turning her insides to mush.   "It is December."
               It had been June.   "December?   What year?"
               "The year of our Lord 1072."
               It took a moment for his words to register.   When they did, Megan's knees went weak.   "You're kidding, right?"
               He stared blankly at her.   "I do not understand your words."
               "I... never mind."    Now she did allow herself to sink to the ground, knowing her legs wouldn't support her another moment. No dream this, then what could it be?   Medieval role-playing?   In the middle of a blizzard, in some godforsaken cave?   Somehow she doubted it.  
               Licking lips suddenly gone dry, she peered up at him, shivers still racking her body.   "And where are we?   Where is this place?"
               His eyes narrowed, making him look dangerous.   "The whereabouts of this cave need not concern you, milady.   Suffice to say you are still on English land, once belonging to my family, granted by King William.   Now it is occupied by another noble family.   Before that,"   he paused, his mouth twisted, "it was Welsh."
               Place.   She pounced on the word.   "Welsh, as in Wales?"
               Obviously thinking she'd lost her mind, he gave a slow nod.
               "King William?"   She squeaked, still trying to digest his former statement.
               His lip curled.   "The English King.   We won this land fairly from the Welsh.   Despite their murderous attacks, the English still hold it, and will continue to do so.   Where have you been, that you do not know this?"
               "I told you.   I'm American, from--" she stopped, remembering the country of America had not existed in 1072.   Hell, Columbus hadn't even discovered the new world and wouldn't for another four hundred and twenty years.               She wouldn't even be born for another nine hundred years.
               Odd then, but Megan felt suddenly old, even for a twenty-eight year old North Dallas socialite.   Elderly, even. Still, she had to take one last stab at a rational explanation.  
               "Are you with an escort service?"
               He shook his head before she even finished.   "Again, you use words which sound strange to me, even though I make allowances since it is plain from the way you speak that this is not your normal tongue."
               He thought she spoke funny?   She wished she could mimic his speech, but one thing she'd never taken the time to study was language.   Any language, never mind some obscure and ancient form of old English like he seemed bent on using.
               Though, if it really was 1072, Old English wasn't ancient.   It wasn't even old.  
               "No."   She whispered, rubbing her temples in hope of warding off the particularly violent headache she felt coming on.   Right now she'd

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