POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days

Read POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days for Free Online

Book: Read POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days for Free Online
Authors: Peter Wonder
Tags: Zombies
for my evil angel then."
    "You do that," she said, tears all gone for now.
    "It's getting pretty late. If I was your mom, I'd probably be settling down for the night right around now. We'll continue on for another hour or so and then settle in for the night, ourselves. I'll stand the first watch, and then Kyle will take the next three hours, and then we'll be on our way. If we get lucky we'll catch her before she even wakes up."
    "Kyle . . . Kyle, wake up. It's your shift," I said, shaking him from his sleep.
    "Dude, I haven't had fire watch in years. This sucks ass. Why did I ever put up with this shit in the Marines, anyway?"
    "Sorry bro. I guess I'll have to be the Corporal of the Guard for the rest of the night. If you have any trouble, just come get me." I gave out a pathetic half laugh.
    "So . . . You two are pretty much a couple now, huh?" Kyle asked me.
    "Well, it hasn't really been discussed yet, but yeah. I'm
    thinking that's where this is probably headed," I said.
    "Man, girls move fast post-apocalypse."
    "Damn it, it wasn't an apocalypse, Kyle. But, I don't know, I guess that people are just more ready to be themselves nowadays. They've shed all their extra layers of bullshit. Well, mostly, anyway."
    "I guess. I just don't see how you got so lucky to get the hottest girl I've ever seen."
    "Tell me about it. I'm just as shocked as you are. I don't even know how I managed to meet the hottest girl I've ever met after like half the population died. I mean what kind of odds are those? It seems my luck will never end."
    "You shouldn't say things like that, homie. That's bad Ju-Ju. Now get some sleep. I'll wake you up if you don't have to wake me up."
    "Don't fall asleep, man. Evelyn will be pissed. You know how girls like to feel safe."
    "Alright, Pete. You're lucky I had a partial sick day today. See you in the morning, homie."
    "Thanks, bud. Night."
    Evelyn was curled up in my sleeping bag near a tree. I grabbed my blanket and curled up next to her with my back facing her. I didn't want her to think I was getting creepy. Girls spook easily and the last thing I wanted to do was to freak her out in the middle of the night.
    It was going to be a cold night.

Chapter Five
    "Sorry," said Evelyn, waking up.
    "You too, Pete. It's time to get up." I heard Kyle’s voice as he kicked my foot in an attempt to wake me up.
    I opened my eyes. It felt as if I had just fallen asleep. My body was sore from shivering all night and sleeping on the cold ground. I should have thrown something under me to keep the ground from sucking out all of my warmth.
    "What'd you say sorry for? Did you rape me last night? Kyle! Call 911! I've been raped!" I watched as my words puffed out of my mouth like smoke from the cold.
    "No, you stupid,” she said while slapping me in the chest. “I woke up to a big puddle of drool that I must have left on your shoulder last night. So, sorry."
    I hadn't even noticed she was nestled up to me yet. Score.
    "C’mon, you think a little puddle of drool is going to bother me after you spit straight into my mouth yesterday? I can still taste your boogerey tears!" I laughed as I stretched my arms out.
    "Shut up! You're not supposed to mention that. I didn’t think you even noticed! I'm sorry for that now, too," she said, cheeks blushing and hanging her head slightly.
    "Oh, you know I'm just kidding to have some fun with you. You can spit in my mouth anytime you want to if it makes you feel better, okay?"
    "I might have to take you up on that sometime," she said sassily.
    "Yeah? That’s good, because I'm kind of really into that sort of thing."
    "Oh, God. I think my plan to out gross you may be backfiring," she replied.
    "I have the strangest boner right now," chimed in Kyle, ruining the moment once more.
    And with that, I looked from Evelyn to Kyle, and back to Evelyn. The moment was indeed ruined. Well played, my friend . I put my boots back on and laced them up; my feet were nearly frozen. I looked over to

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