POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days

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Book: Read POW! (Book 1): The Zombie Days for Free Online
Authors: Peter Wonder
Tags: Zombies
Evelyn who was already just about set for the day.
    "What's for breakfast?" Evelyn asked, doing her best to find a comfortable topic.
    "Remember those beans we had last night for dinner?" I reminded her.
    "Yeah. We all split a can and finished the whole thing off in no time. Do you have another can for breakfast? I’m starving."
    "No, but if you're lucky you might be able to lick your
    lips and get another taste of them. Unless, of course, you
    drooled out all of the remaining flavor all over me last night, in which case you can feel free to have a lick. We've got no time for breakfast. We've got to catch up to your mom as soon as we can. Maybe she’ll have some food so we can have a nice little picnic when we meet up with her. If everyone is ready, then I think it's time for us to head off," I said as I finished stuffing my sleeping bag into my backpack. It smelled like Evelyn, and I wanted to press my face into it, but thought it might send the wrong message.
    "I'm ready whenever you guys are," said the always high maintenance Kyle.
    "I'm ready, too. You're right. We need to make up some ground while we can. Let's go," agreed Evelyn.
    After I found the markings I had made before bed indicating which direction we’d come from and in which direction to continue, we were off. Who says I have no sense of direction?
    We came upon a solid black horse with a few bags on its side.
    "SHHHHHH!" I silenced Evelyn as I placed my hand on her shoulder.
    "Evelyn, you contain the horse. Kyle, you come over here and check this shit out."
    "What do you see?" asked Kyle.
    Looking through my rifle mounted optic, I said, "See that white house across the clearing? I can make out four bodies around it. It looks like they must be after something inside."
    "MOM!" Evelyn half whispered, half shouted as she overheard me.
    "I'm thinking so. Problem is, we don't know what's on the other side of that place. So here is what's going to happen-"
    "Human bait time?" asked Kyle. What an awesome dude.
    "No, not this time, bud. What is going to happen is you and Evelyn are going to stay right here, out of harm’s way. Whatever happens, you make sure she's okay. Got it? What I'll do is take the horse around back while staying visible to you. See the way around?" I pointed out the planned route out to him. “When I make it to the back side I'll give you a thumbs up or a thumbs down as you observe via your optic. Thumbs up means it’s all clear around back. Take them out. Thumbs down means there are unfriendlies back there that I would prefer to take down quietly, in which case I'll ditch the pony and proceed on foot. You wait until you have visual contact with me and I'll give the thumbs up."
    "At which point I take out those four, right?"
    "Bingo. Now unless there are any more questions for me, I'll be on my way so we can get this whole thing over with." I looked at each one of them individually. There were no questions from either one of them. I walked to the horse and vaulted on. No saddle. Carolina must have taken it off for the night. This ought to be fun.
    "Good luck, Peter," said Evelyn, her voice rang out with a hint of anxiety.
    "Yeah, bud. Not that you’ll be needing it," Kyle said as he slapped the horse on the ass.
    As it turned out, he slapped the horse just a little bit too hard. I would never have noticed other than the fact that it took off at top speed towards the house in a ruthless attempt to grind my testicles into flour. I bounced up and down on its withers, clinging to its thick mane for dear life.
    Right about then is when it hit me. I’d never ridden on a horse before. I hadn't the slightest clue as to how to make this come to an end. The only thought in my tiny brain at that time was "help" as I stuck out my arm with my thumb up in the air like some hitchhiker.
    One round went flying into the first zombie’s skull. I had a feeling Kyle wouldn't be able to get all four of them since I was right in the bullet

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