Pound of Flesh
with his hot jets of cum. He
stilled above her before kissing her gently, softly. Violet clung
to her husband, so very thankful to have him home again, and
returned his loving kisses.
    Eventually Max pulled out and lazily worked
his way down her body, planting kisses here and there. He gently
took the glass plug from her bottom and dropped it on the pile of
discarded clothes next to the bed. She made a mental note to ask
him to move it out of the way before they fell asleep. God knows
that would make an embarrassing story in the emergency room if one
of them tripped and fell over a glass dildo in the middle of the
    Max rolled onto his back, collapsing to the
bed with a heavy sigh. He drew Violet close and wrapped his arm
around her. His fingertips swept up and down her arm. She
recognized his pensiveness and decided to enjoy the warmth and
security of snuggling in his arms while his mind roamed.
    “How did you know?”
    Violet frowned and turned her face for a
better look at Max. “Know what?”
    “That I needed this. That I needed a hard
session instead of the soft night I’d planned for us.”
    She shrugged. “I just know you. Those times
you came back from deployment were always kind of weird. You’d try
to ease back into it with me but you always seemed so stressed and
kind of…off.”
    “So you destroyed the house and broke all the
rules knowing I’d come home and whip your ass and tie you up and
fuck you senseless?”
    “Well I didn’t know about the bondage or the
fucking me senseless but I figured you’d leave my behind nice and
rosy. That was nice surprise.” She grinned up at him and nipped
playfully at his jaw. “Admit it. You feel so much better now,
    “Completely,” he agreed. “Nothing like
wailing on your ass to lower my stress level.”
    “I do what I can.” She laughed and snuggled
closer. “So—how was the trip? Did you get your new teams trained?
What about the contracts? Will you be expanding operations to more
locations overseas?”
    Max smiled and shook his head. “Tomorrow,” he
said, stroking her cheek. “I’ll tell you everything tomorrow.” He
kissed her deeply. “Now, close those pretty eyes and get some
sleep. You’re going to need it.”
    Confused, Violet scrunched up her forehead.
“Why? Are we going somewhere?”
    “Hardly,” Max said and pressed a kiss to her
temple. “You’ve got a hell of a mess to clean.”
    “What?” She cried out in mock outrage. “I did
all of that for you!”
    Max barked with laughter. “All for me,
    Violet swung a leg over Max and mounted his
hips. She gave a teasing wiggle and pressed her lips to his. “All
for you, Max.”
    About The Author
    While browsing bookstore shelves as a
teenager, Lo discovered the erotic writings of Anaïs Nin and A.N.
Roquelaure. Certain her mother would not approve, Lo smuggled the
books home and squirreled them away in the most likely of
places:  under her bed. Late at night, she delved into the
sensual worlds both writers created.
    As a co-ed studying biochemistry and genetics
at Texas A&M University, Lo dabbled in creating naughty tales
to entertain her friends. Study for a midterm or pen a deliciously
dirty story to delight her small band of fans? Not surprisingly, Lo
is now on an extended sabbatical from college.
    Luckily, Lo stumbled onto the world of erotic
romance publishers. She realized there were other readers and
writers who loved and craved breathtaking romance with the spiciest
of love scenes. She took a chance and submitted her first novella.
The rest is history.
    Lo lives in Texas with her family and beloved
Great Dane, Bosley.
    Connect With Lo Online at LolitaLopez.com

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