Pound of Flesh
waited for
that horrible pins and needles sensation sure to follow.
    Instead of using the wench to lower her to
the ground, Max slashed the series of ropes and knots attaching her
jute body corset to the D-ring and suspension ring. Like a caveman,
he threw her over his shoulder. Still blindfolded and gagged and
with the butt plug firmly in place, Violet allowed herself to be
draped over him like some kind of prize. Secretly, she found it
thrilling to be tossed over his shoulder and carried away like the
stolen bride of a romance novel.
    Still listening intently, she caught what
sounded like Max swiping his glass of iced tea from the armoire
before heading out of the playroom. That wasn’t like him at all to
leave the cut ropes and toys and such just lying about the room.
Typically Max liked to keep everything neat and tidy. They usually
put everything away after a scene and wiped down the props and
    But not tonight.
    Tonight he was a man on a mission. He
practically pulsed with lust and need. He took the steps fast and
didn’t even bother to shut the door to the basement behind them.
She waited for the telltale squeak and bang but there was only
silence. In no time at all, they were upstairs in their bedroom and
Max was carefully lowering her to the ground. His arm slid around
her waist, steadying her as she tried to get her bearings again.
Her limbs still tingled with that awful pins and needles sting so
she tried not to move until it passed.
    Max moved around behind her. His thick cock
jutted through the denim of his jeans and pushed against her
backside. Max cupped her breasts and nibbled the curve of her neck.
When he removed the first nipple clamp, she groaned around the gag.
It hurt like hell as blood rushed back into the compressed vessels
of her nipple. The second clamp removal felt even worse because of
the anticipation. Goose bumps popped up on her flesh.
    Nipples throbbing, Violet leaned back against
Max’s hard chest. He licked and kissed her shoulder before
loosening the clasp of the ball gag. She stretched her mouth even
wider as Max pulled the gag free. She worked her sore jaw as Max
stepped back. She heard the sound of fabric whooshing over
someone’s head and deduced Max had removed his shirt. Her suspicion
was confirmed when she felt the soft cotton of his t-shirt gently
wiping the saliva coating her chin. Not long after her mouth was
clean, Violet felt the shirt fall on her foot as if casually
dropped by Max.
    She wanted him to kiss her, to claim her
mouth, but he seemed determined to draw out the moment. When he
moved away from her again, she harrumphed in protest. Max just
chuckled and got something from the bedside drawer by the sound of
things. A few seconds later, she felt the telltale tug of a knife
slicing through the ropes still hugging her body.
    Now totally naked and blindfolded, Violet
stood ready and waiting. She heard the heavy thud of the pocket
knife Max kept in the drawer hit the top of the bedside table. The
scrape of glass against wood met her ears. She found it incredibly
amusing that Max had just broken one of his biggest rules. Thou
shalt always use a coaster.
    “What?” Max wondered, his interest clear.
    Smiling, Violet shook her head.
    There was a pause and Violet was certain if
she removed her blindfold she’d find him frowning. “We all make
    She laughed. “Does that mean I get to turn
you over my knee and spank your ass tomorrow morning?”
    Max snorted. “We’ll see.”
    Violet heard the glass hit bare wood again.
Then Max was in front of her and his hands settled on her hips. She
expected him to kiss her but still he resisted. Instead she felt
the shocking cold touch of ice against her throat. “Oh!”
    He chuckled, the sound a bit distorted, and
she realized the ice cube was clamped between his teeth. The cube
slid lower, riding the curve of her breast to her highly sensitized
nipple. She hissed as the ice cube circled one

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