Poisonous Pleasure

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Book: Read Poisonous Pleasure for Free Online
Authors: Jennifer Salaiz
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, Adult, Menage a Quatre (m/m/m/f), PolyAmour
banging rattled the door.
    “Mom, I’m fine. Give us a few minutes.”
    “If you need anything let me know.”
    He turned back to Marcella. “Let me come, please.” His whisper could barely be heard over the beating of her heart. “God, you’re so different. I almost didn’t recognize you. If it wouldn’t have been more of a feeling, I might have never known it was you.” He shook his head as he held her stare. “You’re
, they don’t look real. They’re orange or gold, and definitely not normal. I swear I’ve seen them before…seen you before.”
    Jason looked down and ran his fingers over the tattoos. Marcella shook as pleasure tightened her pussy. He pulled her down on the bed, covering his body on top of hers. “I thought I lost you.” He kissed her deeply, running his hand along her hip. She clung around his neck, moaning at the hardness that pushed against the leather between her legs.
    “Well lookie here. So this is what you needed to do? We could have done this back at my place. Do you have any idea what you’ve just done by exposing yourself to a human?”
    Gasping, Marcella gripped to Jason’s arm, tighter. Her boyfriend sprung from the bed breaking their contact. The moment the men looked at each other, Marcella could see something pass between them, but it was too fast for her to determine what it could have been.
    “How in the hell did you get in here?” Jason snapped.
    “I have my ways.” Dominic gave him an unsettling smile.
    “You’re not taking her. I won’t let you. She belongs with me.”
    Marcella eased to Jason’s side, grabbing his arm. More than anger resided on the demon’s face. He was downright scary looking. “Jason, don’t. You don’t know what he is. I told you I had to leave. I want you to wait for me. Can you do that?”
    “You can’t be serious.” Dominic’s laugh filled the room. “He can’t stay now. You’ve just condemned your own boyfriend. Humans are not allowed to know about us.” Dominic crossed his arms across his wide chest, narrowing his eyes. “Unless you want me to kill him right now, I suggest he starts packing his stuff. If for one second he tries to outrun me, you know what will happen.” The demon stared at Marcella letting his point set in.
    “No, I don’t want him to come. Not where we’re going.”
    “You should have thought about that before you stole my car and came here. Look, we obviously can’t all leave together. Marcella, meet me outside. Jason.” He paused. “Such a good boy. What a shame.” Dominic shook his head. “Anyway, pack up and tell your mother goodbye. You won’t ever see her again. Then, you can meet us in town. I trust you not to do anything stupid. Just know if you do, you can’t hide from me.”
    Jason took a step forward. “How do I know you’re telling me the truth? You could be setting us both up, for all I know.”
    “You don’t know and you won’t. But I need Marcella, and she needs me. I can’t have her hunted down because she ran her mouth to
. Meet us in town at the supermarket parking lot and hurry.”
    Dominic vanished into thin air. It took a few moments for Jason to regain his composure. “Did that just happen? What is that guy? Why do I feel like I’m having some kind of weird dream? I swear I’ve seen him somewhere before.”
    “Calm down, Jason. He’s a demon. It seems I summoned him whenever I died. And I assure you, you’re not dreaming.”
    “Fuck, this is a lot to process. I can’t think passed what just happened.” Jason picked up a book off his dresser and launched it across the room. “Son of a bitch. Who does he think he is, talking to you that way? Looking at you like…” Jason seemed to catch himself. “You better go. I won’t be long. Just be careful until I get there.” He ran his hands through his dark hair as he looked around the room like a predator. She couldn’t ever remember seeing him so angry. A stab of anxiety filled her.
    Deciding to

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