Poisonous Pleasure
parked recklessly. Sickness rushed through Marcella’s stomach. Her hand pushed against the horn as she slid to a stop. Jumping out, she raced toward his front door. “Jason!”
    A red-eyed, Mable met her at the door before she could even knock. She almost didn’t recognize his mother, her face was so swollen. “Where’s Jason? I need to see him.”
    “Honey, he’s asked for no visitors.” She paused, her eyes raking over the tribal tattoos. “I think you should go…and put some clothes on. You look ready to hit Leopard Street dressed like that.”
    His mother saying she looked like a prostitute, dressed to hit the most well known street in Corpus Christi, broke her heart. “I know Jason is dealing with a lot right now, but it’s imperative I see him. Don’t you recognize me?”
    The door began to close in her face and panic set in. Marcella’s whole body started shaking with anger and fear. She quickly placed her boot in the way. “Listen, get Jason or I’m coming in. I don’t have much time.”
    “Who do you think you are? I’m calling the police.”
    “Jason!” Marcella pushed passed the door and rushed to his room. The moment she entered, she stopped. His face was blotchy and just as swollen as his mother’s. A look of confusion crossed his features before his eyes grew wide. She quickly shut the door behind her and locked it.
    “Jason.” Rushing to the bed, she threw herself at him. Marcella buried her face in his neck, breathing deeply, inhaling his scent. “I thought I’d never see you again,” she whispered.
    He pulled back, taking in her appearance. For what seemed an eternity, he shook his head back and forth. His eyes narrowed, only to grow big again. “No. It can’t be.” He peered into her face harder. “You’re dead. I saw them take you from the house.” He bit his lip. “Who…are you?” Pressure gripped her arms, trying to separate them.
    The alarm he was feeling physically pushed against her skin, startling her. Did she make a mistake in coming here? “It’s a long story, but I’m not dead. Well, not exactly dead. I’m not human, either.” She held around his neck tighter, afraid to let go.
    “Jason! Is everything all right?”
    Marcella turned at the pounding on the door. “I don’t have much time. There’s a… man after me. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
    “There’s no way you’re Marcy. You can’t be. You look a little like her, but you’re different.” The pressure increased on her arm as he tried prying it off, again, in earnest. “I think maybe you should leave.”
    “I promise it’s me, Jason!”
    “Don’t talk to me. I don’t know who you are.”
    “Yes, you do! When we fought last night, I told you to go to Kasey and to leave me alone. I told you never to come back. I lied. I love you. I only said that because of the pain I was in. Please, you have to believe it’s me. Something happened that I can’t explain, and now I’m scared. “
    “Go on.” Hazel eyes narrowed in her direction.
    “You said last night while I was sitting on your bed that you hadn’t seen me cry in four years. You were there for me then. My family, Jason, they’re gone. You’re all I have left. I can’t bear to think that even though you’re alive, I lost you, too.
    His jaw parted as his eyes filled up with tears. “Marcella?” Rough hands cupped her cheeks while he leaned in closer to look into her face. Multiple expressions passed over his features as he remained quiet.
    “I’m going to have to go with the man for a while, but I couldn’t leave without you knowing the truth. I’m so sorry for the way I acted. Please forgive me and know that I do love you. You’ve always been the one.”
    “Don’t leave me.” He crushed her against his chest before she could take a breath. She felt fear rush though him. The sensation prickled her skin. “I can’t lose you, again. Please don’t leave. Wait, let me come, too.”
    “Jason!” Another round of

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