Peace Army

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Book: Read Peace Army for Free Online
Authors: Steven L. Hawk
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Action & Adventure
rigidly behind his desk, hands balled into fists. Randalyn Trevino stood to one side. Her posture reflected equally distressed emotions. The five or six other scientists in the lab were all at the far end of the large space, either oblivious to, or blatantly ignoring, the exchange. Grant supposed the latter. Body language like these two were displaying was uncommon in the new world order.
    The conversation ceased as Grant approached. Both the scientist and Randalyn pasted on smiles and turned them toward Grant.
    “General, how are you this fine morning?” Randalyn asked, tilting her head in acknowledgment of his arrival.
    “I’m just peachy this morning, Randalyn. How are you?”
    Randalyn’s eyebrows arched in surprise at the informal greeting, but a twinkle in her eyes hinted at amusement. Grant knew that few, if any, ever addressed a Culture Leader in anything other than the most formal Standard Language.
    Tane shook his head and massaged his temples. Grant did not miss the silent reproach. He ignored it, as always.
    “I am… peachy as well. Thank you for inquiring,” Randalyn replied, obviously content to play along.
    “And you, Tane? How’s our number one scientist?”
    “Fine, Grant, fine.” It was apparent to Grant that all was not fine with his friend. He wondered if it had anything to do with the Culture Leader’s presence or if he was just tense over the coming threat. Or perhaps both.
    “That’s good, doc.” Grant felt awkward. It was obvious he had interrupted their conversation. He wondered again what they had been discussing.
    “I was hoping I could talk to you for a moment, Tane? Alone. Randalyn, would you mind giving us a few moments?”
    Again, she tilted her head to him. “Of course. Our conversation has concluded.”
    Randalyn looked at Tane and nodded slightly. Tane returned the look for a moment longer that Grant thought usual and returned the nod. Hidden meanings were being passed in those looks.
    “Culture Leader Trevino, I am sure we will speak again soon.”
    “Of course, Senior Scientist Rolan. Until then, good day.”
    Randalyn gave Grant a weak smile as she brushed by him. He turned to watch her leave. When she passed through the door, he turned back to Tane.
    “What the hell was that all about?”
    “What do you mean?” Tane was suddenly interested in some papers on his desk.
    “It looked like you two were about to hit each other. That’s what I’m talking about.” That got the scientist’s attention. He looked up from the papers, a frightened look in his eyes.
    “No! We would never—”
    “Calm down, Tane.” Grant’s voice lowered to just above a whisper. “I wasn’t serious. I know you’d never hit anyone, unless they deserved it—and I can’t see any reason why Randalyn would deserve that.”
    “Certainly not! She is my Culture Leader. She deserves our respect.” Tane took a deep breath, calming himself. “She deserves your respect. Is it too difficult for you to address her by her title, at least in public?”
    Obviously Tane felt Grant’s initial greeting had been out of line and was upset by it.
    “Fine, Tane. Whatever you say.”
    “Good. Now what did you want to talk about? More weapons ideas? Not sure how much more we can accomplish in the few days left.”
    “No. Not a weapon.” Grant smiled. The tension between Tane and Randalyn was forgotten as he thought about what he was about to request.
    “But I would like for your team to build something. Something special.”
    It took less than five minutes for Grant to describe what he wanted and why. Tane asked a few clarifying questions and made some notes.
    At the end of the discussion, both men were smiling. The problem of the Minith ship was temporarily placed on the back burner as Grant and Tane discussed the implications of the project before them.

    Chapter 5
    Grant sprinted the last hundred meters, pushing his legs to the max. They were as fast and powerful as ever—much more

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