Of Gods and Fae
the real threat is." He sat down at his desk as Siegfried
and Diantha moved to seat themselves, Diantha sliding on to the couch next to
    "So what do you want to do next?" asked Milagre.
    "Well," I sighed. "I guess it's mostly a
waiting game as far as Marissa is concerned. Although we have to assume her
people will continue to attack Fae, me in particular I might add. Now that we
have the leaders alerted, we'll just have to see what information comes up."
    We continued on like that for a while, discussing strategies
to locate our new enemy. Everything was going smoothly until Milagre asked when
I planned to confront my aunt and announce my place as leader of the Dryad.
    "Excuse me?" Cornwall interrupted. "I seem to
be lacking some information here."
    Damn, two clichés came to mind, the best laid plans and in for a penny, in for a pound … I stood up and pulled one of those
new, gold colored, dollar coins out of my pocket and gestured at Cornwall. "Here,
catch," I said as I tossed the coin to him. I guess I was going to have to
let one more in on my secrets. It just figures, complications seemed to be the
word for the day.
    "What is this for," he asked, examining the coin as
if he expected something magical to happen.
    "Well, I suppose now I'm gonna have to hire you as my
attorney for all things Fae. Consider that the down payment of your retainer. There's
a few things you're gonna need to know," I answered with a sigh. Cornwall
listened incredulously as I told my story, starting with the attack on Milagre
and the effects of the Mages attack on me. By the time we were done he was
shaking his head.
    "Incredible" he said. "I suppose I should
thank you for your confidence. Although I am not actually sure if you meant to
share your story in this fashion."

Chapter 3
    Charlie came bounding across the yard as I pulled into the
driveway. I expected him to run up to the car and I did a double take as he stopped
to look at me and then continued running…after a ball. Damn, I'd almost
forgotten what I'd asked Sendy to do.
    "All safe, kept him busy," Charlie muttered as he
dropped the ball at my feet.
    I was just closing the car door when Malcolm Smitt came
around the corner looking for him. Malcolm was a PI specializing in computer
forensics and one of my closest friends. We'd worked together on the force
before we each retired and started our own PI businesses. I knew I needed some
human allies so I'd had Sendy go and get him.
    "Holy shit!" he exclaimed as he ran over to me. "You're
never going to belie… forget I said that! I thought that computer virus was
crazy! But this… what the hell, this is amazing!" Malcolm continued,
muttering a few more expletives as he stared at me. "Why didn't you tell
    "I thought I just did." I replied, clapping him on
the back.
    "Yeah, but… oh hell," he said as we walked to the
front door.
    "You're taking this pretty well," I commented as
we went into the house.
    "Oh, this is nothing. You should have seen me before
that Bernie guy did whatever he did. I was freaking out! Not that I didn’t
appreciate the half-naked girl, I mean Faerie…you know, Sendy. Man, it was just
too much at first. And then when she whooshed me here, wow!"
    "Bernie? You mean, Bernd? He's here?" I asked,
turning back to him.
    "The little guy," Malcolm asked. "Yeah, he
was just here, said he'd be inside waiting for you. Then Charlie wanted to play
ball, and… did you know he can talk… well, yeah, sorry, you would know that
wouldn’t you?"
    "You can understand him?" I asked, skeptically.
    "Well, sort of… at least, I can now. It’s a long story."
He replied, shaking his head in amazement.
    "Ah, good, you have arrived" said Bernd, popping
up next to me as I walked into the house. I hate when he does that, I mean, I
almost jumped and hit the ceiling when he startled me.
    "Come, come, we must talk," he continued, leading
us into the kitchen.
    "Yeah, I guess we should." I replied, noting that
Sendy was already

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