Of Gods and Fae
seated at the table.
    This was not exactly what I'd expected when I'd asked Sendy
to find Malcolm for me. Of course I'd figured he'd freak out. It’s not every
day that a messenger from the God's (or at least that was the role I'd placed
her in) shows up to talk to you these days. Not to mention that Malcolm had
been my friend and partner at the local PD for a lot of years and with few
exceptions, probably didn’t have much cause to believe in magic, let alone Gods
or Fae. But what was Bernd doing here, and what he done to Mal? Bernd had been
hard to get a hold of lately, and a bit different, but at least he was here
    I walked into the kitchen as Bernd and Malcolm sat down at
the table with Sendy. Hitting the start button on the coffee pot, I turned
    "Well, what have I missed?" I asked, knowing that
Bernd being here had to be significant.
    "Perhaps you should tell us," Bernd responded. "I
can see that you have been busy," he continued, gesturing at Malcolm. "I'm
sure he'd like to know why he is here."
    "Perhaps you're right," I answered, walking back
to the table to sit down and face Mal. "Sorry, my friend, I just didn't
know how to tell you what had happened to me. I figured you'd think I was nuts,
so…when Sendy showed up, it just seemed the easiest way to do it."
    Mal started to laugh. "Well, having a naked gi… um, I
mean, Faerie, show up in my office certainly got my attention," he
quipped. "So why am I here?"
    "You're my best friend and I needed you here. I hope
you’re alright with that. I've probably placed you in danger as well. I guess I
should of thought of that before bringing you in on it. You can still back out
before we go any further."
    "Danger? Hah! Are you kidding?" he said with a laugh.
"Naked Faeries that can teleport, magic swords … this is going to be
awesome! Besides, we've been through worse, remember that drunk with the
handgun on Convention Center? At least this time we'll know who's shooting at
us and we'll even have real magic on our side."
    I laughed as I stood up and went to the cabinet. Mal was
talking about a call we'd had riding together on patrol one night back in the
early '80s. We were just off the Las Vegas Strip and some drunk had gone out on
his balcony and started shooting at people. It'd been a nice night and we'd had
both windows down. We'd heard these buzzing sounds out the windows and Mal had
gunned the car and startled me. He'd looked over at me and said "I think
someone's shooting at us." I'd thought he was nuts until I'd looked over
at the hotel across the street and watched the guy fire two more rounds with a
handgun before going back inside. I could see the muzzle fire but I'd never
heard the shots. To make a long story short we'd called SWAT. The problem was
that in those days it would have taken too much time for headquarters to call the
entire team in so since we were the only two guys in uniform available, we got
to go in first. We stormed the room with the then plainclothes SWAT detectives
behind us. We walked into four totally inebriated guys celebrating a bachelor
party. They were so drunk they had no idea what the guy with the gun was doing.
Thankfully no one had been injured and when we found the gun inside the toilet
tank the guy muttered that he'd wanted more fireworks to celebrate but ran out
of bullets and wanted to make sure the gun cooled off. Anyway, we'd been
through some shit together so I guess what he was saying was true. I just
hadn't thought he'd take it so well, and then I remembered what he'd said.
    Grabbing my I took the red pill! cup, I filled it, and
after gesturing to see if anyone else wanted some, sat back down at the table.
    "I'm serious, Mal, it really can be dangerous," I
said, taking the two Fae arrows and placing them on the table.
    "What the…! Are those arrows?" Mal asked. "Who
the hell uses arrows these days?" Before I could reply Bernd was on his
chair and examining them.
    "Sendy has already told me the story," he

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