Not Another Soldier

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Book: Read Not Another Soldier for Free Online
Authors: Samantha Holt
Tags: Suspense, Romance, Contemporary, Military, romantic suspense, Mystery & Suspense
Though he grins, I see the malicious
intent behind his expression.
    Before I can turn away, he snatches my arm, fingers
pinching painfully into my flesh. I let out a squeal and tug, but he holds me
firm. My mind races. There’s security cams around the hospital but it’s pretty
dark. I doubt they’ll see much. And I’m all alone. This will teach me for
parking in the rear lot.
    “Take me to your car,” he hisses.
    I scowl. Is he trying to steal it? Why does he need me
to take him to it? I swallow and make a split decision. Kicking back, I strike
him on the inside of his thigh. I was hoping to hit him in the balls but it
startles him enough so that his grip loosens.
    I yank away and start running. My car is closer than
the hospital entrance but I still don’t have my keys. I delve my hand into my
bag as I run, hearing footsteps gain on me. As I glance up, I’m aware of a
figure in front of me and I scream but it’s too late. I barrel into a solid
chest and arms wrap about me.
    The air whooshes from my lungs and I sag with a
half-whimper, half-sob. My hands tremble as I motion behind me and try and say
something coherent.
    “A man… following me… grabbed me…”
    Nick shoves me back, holding my arms and peers around
me. I don’t know if the guy is still there but it doesn’t matter. Nick is here.
    He darts his gaze over me, then snatches my bag.
Instantly he finds my keys and unlocks the car. “Get in,” he orders, “and lock
the door.”
    Still trembling, I nod and climb in, wrapping my arms
about myself. I lock the doors and watch Nick’s back as he walks confidently
across the parking lot. I squint out the windows but I see no sign of Skinhead.
The thought that maybe he was waiting for Nick to leave strikes me and I flick
my gaze from side to side, just waiting for him to jump out on me.
    My teeth chatter as I wait. I pray for Nick to return.
When Skinhead doesn’t show up, I begin to wonder if he did something to Nick.
What if he’s hurt him? What do I do? Do I stay in the car forever or get out
and look for him? What if he’s bleeding to death?
    “Oh, thank God.” I sag against my seat as Nick emerges
from round the corner, the golden glow of the streetlight briefly revealing his
intimidating expression. I can only assume Skinhead took off. I would if I was
up against that.
    He opens the driver’s side. “Scoot over.”
    I do as I’m told, the fear having sapped any
inclination to argue. I’m just glad he’s here.
    “I didn’t find anyone,” he tells me. “But I let the
front desk know someone was lurking around. They’re going to have security do a
patrol.” He looks at me and scowls. “Fuck, you’re shaking.”
    Nodding, I make some weird noise of agreement and he
pulls me into his arms. The car seats and everything get in the way and dig
into my ribs but I don’t care. The warmth of his chest against my cheek
instantly slows my heartbeat. I have to force myself not to bury my nose in his
    After several moments, my trembling ceases and he
retreats, concern stamped on his face. He keeps his hands on my shoulders, and
they are so strong and secure. I shouldn’t like it but I do. It’s that sense of
being protected again. I hate being so weak. Because that’s what it means
right? You like being protected because you’re weak.
    “What happened?”
    “T-this guy, tall, skinhead, approached me. He knew my
last name — well my married name — and
he said he wanted to see my car, and he snatched my arm. I kicked him and then
ran away… into you.”
    Admiration seeps into his expression. “You kicked
    I shrug. “I meant to kick him in the balls but I
    Nick releases a sharp laugh and I feel my lips twitch.
    “Remind me never to sneak up on you,” he says, then
takes a moment to study me. “You want me to drive you home?”
    I pull my hands out from where they’re tucked into my
sides and watch them. They still shake a little so I nod.

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