Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)

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Book: Read Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) for Free Online
Authors: Catty Diva
lecture. It also worried him because she mentioned the names of the companies that were taking Earth to the point where it couldn’t sustain life anymore. They were all big, powerful companies that wouldn’t appreciate being exposed.
    When the lecture ended, he went to the front so he could escort her to lunch. “I hope you’ve decided to visit with us on Oison?”
    “Heloise wouldn’t allow me not to. She is infatuated with Moore.”
    “Once we eat, I will take you to your room so you can check out and we’ll have your luggage loaded. Moore can help Heloise. I think it’s a good idea to leave directly after your lecture.”
    “Okay, if you think we should. I just need to let James know.”
    “Could you do me a favor and wait to let James know once we are in the ship. He’s already contacted me to offer me his services. I told him I would be in touch before we leave. I’m not sure how he knew who I was, but it’s a little unnerving.”
    “James knew? He never mentioned it to me when he came by this morning to see me.”
    “So you’ll wait?”
    “Yes, I don’t see any harm and it and you’re right. It is odd he knew you.”
    “Why don’t we go to lunch and then we’ll get things moving?”
    “Lead the way.”
    They went down the hall to the restaurant where they would meet Morelan and Heloise. Arriving just moments ahead of the other two, they secured a table near the door. “Here they come.” Nat observed.
    They had a nice meal before Morelan accompanied Heloise to get her baggage and Novir went with Nat. Everything was now ready for them to leave immediately after the last lecture and hopefully, no one else knew. Nat headed to her lecture room and Norvir headed to the lecture he was attending. Once the lectures were finished, he would escort Nat to the ship while Morelan would bring Heloise there.
    Norvir was nervous as he claimed a seat up front and near the door. Dr. Don Thompson began his session, but all he did was basically regurgitate the dry information that Norvir had already gotten from his book. The man might be a leading specialist, but he was as boring as a man could be. Norvir sat through half the lecture before he slipped out. Heading toward Nat’s room, He considered going in, but didn’t’ want to interrupt. He decided to wait for her outside the door.
    It was nearly time for the session to come to an end, when he picked up an unusual noise. Because a clicking noise that sounded like a countdown could only be a few things and most of them were bad, he slipped into the room just as a male slipped out. Norvir took a good look at him, his timing was suspicious. His demon tracked the noise to under an empty chair. It was a bomb.
    “Everyone leave the room calmly. There is a bomb in here.” He didn’t know any other way to handle things, but the panic that broke out cause a couple people to get trampled. Helping them up, he pointed them to the door before grabbing Nat and using demon speed to put distance between them and the bomb. Once they were a reasonable distance, he commed Morelan and explained the situation.
    “Meet us at the ship as soon as possible.”
    “We are on our way.” Morelan said.
    Norvir and Nat sat in the front observation deck of their ship, as they watched a hole appear in the outside wall of the room they had been in just minutes before. “Do you think anyone was hurt?” Nat asked.
    “No, the room was emptied out. The bomb was reported so no one else would have gone in the room. The station has the new self-sealing technology that is used in all the door ways. It would sense that there was a hole and close that room or any other room that was affected, off. That wouldn’t stop the bomb from exploding and it would only seal once a hole was made. It won’t contain the blast, it is only meant to conserve the air that would be sucked out of the hole.”
    “How did you know?”
    “My people have sharp senses. The man that left your lecture, was the one

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