Missing Lily (Tales of Dalthia)

Read Missing Lily (Tales of Dalthia) for Free Online

Book: Read Missing Lily (Tales of Dalthia) for Free Online
Authors: Annette K. Larsen
assessed my discomfort level. There was still a burning at my hip when I moved, but it was bearable. “You said it’s not far?”
    “Very close, in fact.”
    I nodded quickly. “I’d like to go.”
    “Very well.” Rhys stood up and circled the table, offering both hands to help me up, and then draped my shawl over my shoulders. He turned to Rosamond. “See that she gets into some suitable riding clothes. I’ll be in the stables.”
    Rosamond easily located an old riding habit from among Lady Fallon’s attire. The skirt was full, so it would easily drape over me as well as the horse’s hindquarters. The riding boots were too big, but would suffice. Once I was all set to go, Rosamond looked at me as though determined to see the truth as she asked, “And how are you feeling this afternoon? Are you aching much?”
    “I’m doing well,” I answered without thought.
    She raised her eyebrows and gave me a disapproving look. I let out a breath. “It hurts quite a bit, but sitting still for too long just makes me stiff. I’d rather be moving.” She squinted her eyes and then nodded.
    I reached the stables and watched Rhys work for a few moments before anyone noticed my arrival. One groom worked alongside him as he secured the saddle on his new stallion. There was a mare standing ready with a traditional saddle sitting on her back. I was about to step inside when a conversation coming from my left distracted me.
    “You think he’ll return soon?”
    I peered through the door to the tack room, where two grooms were organizing equipment.
    “Undoubtedly,” the second groom answered.
    “He makes everything so much harder.”
    “The young master has always been difficult to deal with, most especially when he is in one of his moods .”
    My brow furrowed. Rhys was difficult for the servants to work with? I turned to observe him. He appeared to be having a congenial conversation with the groom working at his side. What moods could they be referring to?
    Rhys smiled as soon as he saw me, but it fell when he noticed my expression. He glanced from me to the mare he had prepared for me, and back again before becoming flustered. “My apologies. I wasn’t thinking. You probably want a ladies’ saddle.”
    “No,” I said quickly. “Not at all. I much prefer this sort.” While I was nearly as proficient in a ladies’ saddle as I was in a traditional one, I had learned to ride mostly with my sister Ella, whose disdain for sidesaddle had worn off on me. We never rode sidesaddle unless we were with our mother.  
    Though still curious about the conversation between the grooms, I walked in, patting ‘Joe’ on the neck as I passed him, and then greeted my own mount. As I rubbed the mare’s nose, Rhys commented, “You remind me of my mother.”
    I smiled. “Well, I am wearing her clothes.” I looked at him, hoping the reminder of his mother wouldn’t make him sad.  
    He just grinned. “No, I mean the saddle. She always used this one.” He rested his hand on it, a look of fondness in his eyes.
    “You don’t mind my using it?”
    “I would love for it to be used again.” He ran his hand over the smooth, worn leather.  
    His comment made me glad and sad at the same time. “I wish I could have met her.”
    “She would have liked you. She always wanted a daughter.”
    I looked at him, flattered into silence. The moment was short-lived as one of the stable hands pushed a mounting block over. “Shall we be on our way then?” Rhys stepped over to the stallion and mounted while the stable hand helped me onto the block and I tried to situate myself atop the docile mare. I winced, attempting to adjust to a more comfortable position.
    “Are you sure about this, Miss Lily?” Rhys’s concern was obvious, but I was determined.
    I sighed in frustration before requesting a hand down and then asking for a ladies’ saddle.
    “So, you do prefer sidesaddle?” Rhys asked.
    I shook my head. “No, but with the scrapes along

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