duty? Who should go first? And how many should be on guard?” He indicated the three corridors leading away from the atrium.
    “You can seal the doors behind you,” Kyber answered. “We can do without guards while we’re here. We should be safe, even if the eye worms return.”
    Fullgrath almost crowed with delight. “All right! Sounds like we’ve made our choices. Come on, Jules. I want to try some of that oatmeal Kyber told us about. Then I want to see if there’s any sort of shower or bathing stall. Hell, I’d be happy just to have some hot water I can use.”
    Kyber watched as the men separated and disappeared into their choice of apartments. Before long, there remained he and Kelen, and the doctor and Dayall. Bending down, he cradled her in his arms and lifted her.
    “Which apartment are you taking?” Sandow asked.
    Kyber pointed at one of the doors on the other side of the room with a nod of his head. “That one.”
    The physician glanced at it. “Good. I’ll be in the one next to it…in case Kelen or you need me.”
    “Thank you,” Kyber murmured.
    A faint smile lifted the corners of Sandow’s mouth. “You’re welcome,” he replied. Grabbing the commander by his boots, he proceeded to drag the man into their quarters. Kyber watched until the two of them were inside and the door sealed behind them, then carried Kelen into their own apartment where they would spend the night together.
    Alone and undisturbed.

Chapter 6
                The room was cool but not stuffy. Kyber could smell fresh air coming through several tiny ducts located near the ceiling. In his mind’s eye, he could see conduits circumnavigating through the rock and soil overhead. This had been a highly evolved civilization that no longer existed, but they had left behind indisputable evidence of their genius.
                A glance at Kelen showed she hadn’t moved since he’d laid her down. If there was anything to be thankful for, it was the fact that her breathing appeared normal, not irritated as his was. He scanned her thin body. What kind of aftereffects would she have when she awakened?
                If she awakens, an unwelcomed voice whispered in his ear.
                Growling softly to dismiss the voice, he ran a hand through his fur, feeling the dampness that remained close to his skin. He needed to dry out and soon. There was no telling if this world held spores or microbes that could accelerate the growth of harmful bacteria if he didn’t keep himself clean.
    Kyber stared at the dried blood on his uniform. Without a second thought, he rid himself of the outfit, dropping it in a corner before striding over to the section of wall where the symbols for food and water were located. He paused, staring at the glowing glyphs, and smiled.
    Three. Three signs. Pancakes, oatmeal, and water.
    Pressing the oatmeal sign, he waited. Presently, a panel opened to reveal a bowl of the odd-colored gruel. He cupped the steaming container. Sitting with his back to the wall to where he could watch Kelen, he crossed his legs and used two fingers to shovel the warm stuff into his mouth.
    He was chewing on a blue pancake when he heard her moan. Quickly, he crawled over and placed a hand to her cheek as she slowly regained consciousness. After a while, she sighed and rolled onto her back, opening her eyes. It took her a moment to focus. Seeing him bent over her, she smiled, then glanced around the room.
    “In an apartment,” he murmured, smiling back at her. It was unbelievable how happy he felt being with her. Being alone with her. Being able to be himself, without the mandates of Seneecian protocol hanging over him whenever he was with the others.
    Kelen appeared confused. “Wow. That must have been one crazy dream.”
    “What did you dream?”
    She blinked, craning her neck a bit. “I dreamed we left this place and ended up in a huge cavern that had a lake in it. And

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