whatever was in that cloud, your doctor felt we should be quarantined together. He took the apartment next door in case I needed to reach him. In case you had a reaction and I needed his help.”
    Kelen took a deep breath, then shook her head. “I feel okay. My breathing’s okay. How about you?”
    “I’m doing better. It was hard to breathe right after contact, but it’s getting better. Other than that, I’m fine.”
    “Are you? Or are you just telling me that to keep me from worrying?”
    He sensed she would be very angry at him if she found out he was making light of his reaction to the cloud. She worried for him the same way he worried about her because they cared deeply for each other. If their situations were reversed, he knew he would want to be aware of any impending illness she might incur.
    Taking her hand, he lightly squeezed it. “Each breath is easier than the last. I promise, if I feel anything foreboding, I will tell you or the physician.”
    She gave him a relieved smile. “Thank you. Now, about your state of undress.” She motioned toward his lap. “Is there a reason for the striptease? Or is it wishful thinking, now that we’re alone?” One corner of her mouth tilted upward, the playful expression extending to the twinkle in her eyes. No longer able to resist, he cradled her face in his hands and leaned over to kiss that smile into submission.

Chapter 7
                Okay, so I lied. Kelen tried to convince herself that she’d suffered no ill effects after her brush with what Kyber called a black cloud. Truth was, she didn’t feel…right.  But she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was that gave her the impression she wasn’t at a hundred percent. It was like getting into a space suit and the moment the helmet clicked into place, realizing there was something wrong. You just didn’t know where, or what.
                But now that she had some food in her stomach, she felt somewhat better.
                She glanced again at the slight protuberance between Kyber’s legs and all thought of how she felt vanished in a haze of desire. Memories of how he made her feel when they were alone flooded into her bloodstream like an aphrodisiac.This was their chance to love again, and she wasn’t going to waste another moment getting to the heart of the matter.
                “Now, about your state of undress. Is there a reason for the striptease? Or is it wishful thinking now that we’re alone?” She resisted the urge to run her hand over the silken fur covering his thighs and reaching for the warm sac, when Kyber cupped his hands around her face and leaned in to kiss her.
                No, not just kiss her. Possess her. Claim her as his, and demand she respond in kind with her lips.
                Kelen was all too happy to reply, reaching up to find his thick neck and curl her arms around it. Getting up on her knees, she pressed herself against him.
                He was still a novice when it came to kissing, but she could tell he enjoyed it. She smiled inwardly, knowing he would never kiss another because it was not a Seneecian act of endearment.
                His arms tightened around her. Without warning, Kyber broke their contact, twisted his body, and flipped her into his lap so that she was lying sideways across his thighs. Kelen gasped at the suddenness. Looking up at him, she laughed as something prodded the small of her back.
                “This is new.”
                “We cannot go further until we perform the next ritual.”
                He gently lowered her to the floor and crawled over to retrieve a bowl of water from the panel.
                He brought the bowl back to where she had propped herself up on her elbows.
                “It is part of our

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