Never Forget (Memories)

Read Never Forget (Memories) for Free Online

Book: Read Never Forget (Memories) for Free Online
Authors: Emma Hart
Tags: english eBooks
slightly heavy. A thousand things ran through my mind.. Like how I couldn't bring myself to sleep with anyone else knowing she was in town.
    This has to stop. Soon.
    Her face springs to mind. Flushed cheeks. Sparkling brown eyes. Lips slightly parted.
    If I can do that with one touch of my thumb... I gotta know what I can do with my whole body.
    I watch her as she leaves, walking with the just the right amount of wiggle in her hips. My eyes are drawn to them when Bing clears his throat.
    ''You do realise you just mentally undressed my sister right in front of me, don't you?'' His voice holds a bit of annoyance.
    ''Yep.'' I figure honesty is best here.
    ''At least you can admit it.'' He leans back against the counter and a small smile plays on his lips. ''I'm not blind, you're as attracted as fuck to each other, but she isn't your type.''
    ''How would you know what my type is?'' I ask in a biting tone.
    His eyebrows shoot up. ''You're a player. You sleep around, leave girls wanting more then break their hearts. How do I know? I do the same. I'm not proud of it but I ain't gonna settle down, not any time soon. Problem is, mate, is that the next thing on your to-do is my little sister. She doesn't do that shit, you get me? She's got her head screwed on right. She won't fall for your tricks, she's too smart.''
    ''I never said she wasn't.''
    ''No, but you hoped she was.''
    ''Nah.'' I look back into the hallway, where she's just disappeared through. ''I know she isn't like that. You don't have to be a genius to see she's a relationship or not at all kinda girl.''
    Bing steps forward until he's right in front of me. He's got a couple of inches on me height wise, but I meet his eyes anyway.
    ''Then unless you plan on being in a serious relationship with her,'' he warns in a tone of steel, ''you keep your hands, eyes and dick away from her. Hurt her, play her, break her heart, and I'll break your legs. Understood?''
    ''Understood,'' I say in a clipped tone.
    ''Sweet.'' He steps back and grabs his toast. ''We'll go for a beer soon. Catch you later.''
    He walks away, leaving me wondering what the fuck just happened.



    "Hello?" Jayna answers in her upbeat tone.
    "It's me," I say, my smile showing through my voice.
    "Oh, hey!" She tries to sound excited but I know she's hiding something.
    "You okay, Jay?" I question.
    "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
    "No reason. You just sound a little hurried."
    "I'm getting ready, we're all heading out to Red tonight."
    That would explain the noises in the background.
    Red is a club we frequent each weekend, and Monday nights in the holidays because of the £1 drinks. I have a fake ID, so it's not really a problem for me that all my friends are eighteen.
    "Oh, cool."
    "Wish you were here, though. It ain't the same getting ready without my girl," she says in a softer tone.
    I smile slightly. "Yeah, I'm stuck here for another seven weeks."
    "It totally sucks you're there for your eighteenth! I mean, what are you gonna do for it? Milk some cows? It's not like farm county is the most happening place."
    A small bubble of annoyance rises in my chest and I bite my tongue.
    "It's not that bad here," I say tightly, thinking of Jen, Carl, and yes, okay, Alec.
    "You alright, Lex? You sound a bit.. Funny." She says suspiciously.
    "Stubbed my toe," I lie. "Hurts like a bitch."
    "Oh, gutted," she says, accepting my answer. "Is, er, is your brother there yet, or is he here for tonight?"
    I suppress an eye roll at her crush on Bing. Even if he wasn't my brother, I still wouldn't touch him with a ten foot barge pole. He's good looking, I can appreciate that, but he has more notches on his bedpost than Hugh Hefner.
    "He arrived this morning," I say.
    "Oh," her mood slips a little. She's so readable. Like Bing even cares about her crush on him. He's known for years and all but ignores her.
    That, I respect him for. But that's about all.
    "How long is he there for?" she asks, almost hopefully.
    "He said he was

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