His hips jerked as he continued to spill inside her and she clenched down on his shaft, her feminine grasp milking him of the last of his seed.
Natasha’s body suddenly felt boneless and she started to collapse onto the bed. Eric pulled out of her, sinking down on her back, as she sprawled out on the mattress. She could feel the hard, frantic beat of his heart through her back and the room was filled with the mutual sounds of their laboured breathing, as they struggled to get oxygen into their lungs.
Eric moved off Natasha, rolling onto his back alongside of her. They lay without speaking for a while, as they both slowly came down from the amazing sex they’d just shared.
Suddenly something occurred to Natasha. “Whatever happened to our dinner?” She asked Eric.
He turned to look at her, his breathing still fast. “What?” He gasped. Natasha rolled onto her side so she could look at Eric.
“Our dinner Eric, from last night, what happened to it, I wonder?” She clarified her question to him.
Eric dragged himself upright, swinging his legs to the floor and stood up, removing the condom, tying it off before tossing it into the bin by the bed. Showing absolutely no concern with his nudity in front of Natasha, Eric walked gracefully to the bathroom, the muscles in his back flexing as he moved. With a small sigh Natasha watched him. The man really was sex on legs as far as she was concerned. It wasn’t until he disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him that Natasha finally broke free of the hold he had on her and collapsed back on the bed with a loud sigh.
While Eric was in the bathroom, Natasha grabbed the sheet and pulled it up around her before lying back down on the bed. She closed her eyes, images of the time she’d spent with Eric running through her head, making her smile to herself. “What do you look so smug about?” Eric’s voice suddenly sounded in her ear and Natasha jumped. She hadn’t even heard him come out of the bathroom.
When she opened her eyes, Eric was bent over her smiling, a lock of his hair had fallen forward partially covering one eye. Natasha could smell toothpaste and going by his smooth cheek when she raised her hand to his face, he’d also shaved. Her fingers travelled up his cheek until she could push the lock of his hair back, but it only fell forward again as soon as she removed her hand. Eric grabbed it before she could drop it back by her side, and he raised her hand to his lips, pressing them to her soft palm, sending a shiver of awareness through her. Natasha couldn’t help but wonder if it was always going to be like this now. Would just one touch, one look be all it took for her to want him again?
She stared at him, her eyes travelling slowly over him until finally she noticed he now had a towel knotted around his waist. “Come have a shower with me.” He said, his voice husky.
“I need the bathroom first Eric.” She said, rising from the bed. She suddenly felt a little shy in front of him naked, but given she had nothing nearby that she could put on, she simply had to hold her head high and walk off to the bathroom, knowing Eric’s eyes were following her. He slapped her lightly on the buttock as she walked past him, and she squealed, jumping forward, then hastily retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it firmly.
Natasha took care of her suddenly urgent need for the toilet then washed her hands, looking at her image in the mirror as she did. She almost didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. Her hair tumbled in disarray around her shoulders and cascaded down her back in a tangled riot of curls. Her eyes looked larger than normal, with a softer, slumberous look to them and even her lips looked fuller, almost pouty.
When Natasha looked around on the vast vanity unit that ran the full length of the wall, with two basins and an assortment of complimentary toiletries, toothbrushes, toothpaste and an