My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Read My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance for Free Online

Book: Read My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Price
single. When she broke his heart for Shane Price, Jackson no longer saw her adopted son. This was a very strange and unique situation I had to admit. I did not want to adopt, I wanted to have my own. I suddenly felt my heart swell up 1000 times bigger as I thought about Jackson putting a baby in me. I wonder if he wanted that too, in general.
    I felt my self-esteem, which had been very high when I started out my night, plummet to below sea level. I was upset, however the fact that Casey was in her 40’s and I was in my 30’s and could give Jackson a baby made me feel a little better. I guess I should be happy that I had the experience with Jackson that I had so far. I should just be grateful that it stopped before it became a deeper connection for me. This was it, her intrusion was a sign from the universe not to get involved. I would bury these experiences and continue to only have a professional relationship with him. It is exactly what I should've done from the very beginning, however I was glad to have the kiss and the oral sensation that he gave me to put away in my vault of experiences. I laid in bed quietly crying myself to sleep, then my phone beeped. I picked it up and saw that it was a text message from Jackson that read, “Rosalyn, I am so very sorry. I made her leave. I took her keys. It won't happen again. I hope you can forgive…”
    I smiled feeling great that he had even bothered to text me an apology at all. I wondered if she was really gone, or if she was still in his house and he had managed to sneak in a text to me. Would they have fucked tonight? I started to feel all these paranoid thoughts… And then remembered that I was done with this. I erased the message and put my phone away. I would not answer him back. It felt good to have some control. At least, I was still my own woman.
    The next morning I stretched in my bed and remembered everything that had happened, I covered my face with my hands feeling embarrassed. I had fallen for some serious Hollywood cliché, and had a bit of a scandalous experience because of it. I took a deep breath ready to start on a new foot and focus on the project and only the project. I took a shower, made myself breakfast and was ready to do something very distracting for myself. Maybe I would go to the spa or go get my haircut, something to keep me busy. Then I got another text message it was from my producer, Dan. It read, “Impromptu meeting today with Jackson and his producer at the studio, 3 PM. Be there.”
    I nearly jumped out of my skin and dropped my phone. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” I said as I paced the room. What was happening? Why was there suddenly a meeting, when a meeting was not planned? Was this Jackson's doing? Was this the witch Casey's doing? She probably had some pull with the studio being a star herself… but she didn't know who I was. Unless, Jackson told her who I was… The paranoid thoughts went on and on like a hamster wheel in my head. I became very paranoid and scared. I grabbed my phone and called Dan.
    “Hey, what's up with the meeting today? I will be there of course, but is anything wrong?”
    “No, I don't think anything is wrong, I think the studio just wants to take it down from an R-rated film to a PG-13, so I think it is to discuss that as far as I know.”
    “Oh, I see… OK I will see you then,” I said is I hung up the phone. I wonder if that was the excuse that Jackson told everyone. I wonder if they would just buy the script and get me off the project now? He was the star here and he had more power than I did. After the screenplay was bought I came on as a producer, but that could easily be changed, the studio ruled all.
    I was completely flustered, scared, and felt really stupid for jeopardizing my career. The next few hours were excruciating, and then I called a car to take me to the meeting. I was too jittery and on edge to drive, plus it was close by.
    I was

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