Everything to Him

Read Everything to Him for Free Online

Book: Read Everything to Him for Free Online
Authors: Elizabeth Coldwell
now.” The boat’s captain, Tiago, flashed the three passengers a smile that revealed a gold tooth glittering at its centre. Felix had explained to Josh that Tiago was employed to look after the beach house, and perform any necessary maintenance. In the bottom of the boat were all the supplies they would need for the three days they planned to spend on the island.
    As the boat pulled up in a sheltered inlet, Josh thought of his colleagues on Glitz! , back home in the middle of a London winter, all dark streets, drizzle and impending press deadlines. And here he was, in paradise. He tried not to feel too smug.
    They waited for Tiago to secure the boat, then helped him carry the boxes of food and cans of fuel for the house’s generator up the beach. “There is clean linen on the beds,” Tiago informed them, “and my wife has made you one of her rum cakes to welcome you here again.”
    “Well, thank Gracie from us,” Felix said. “I hope she’s well?”
    Josh noticed how much more relaxed Felix seemed since they’d left England. Amber had threatened to confiscate her husband’s phone so he couldn’t check his emails every five minutes, but it seemed that, up to now, Felix had pretty much resisted the temptation. From what Amber said, the couple hadn’t had a proper holiday in months, though Josh supposed you didn’t make the immense fortune Felix had, and stay on top of so many arms of your business, if you were lounging on a beach in the Caribbean all the time.
    When Tiago opened the front door, the scent of fresh flowers hit Josh’s nostrils. It seemed the man’s preparations for their arrival had been meticulous.
    “Do you need anything else?” Tiago asked, carrying a box of groceries through to the kitchen and setting it down on the table.
    “No, I think that’s everything,” Felix replied.
    “In that case, I’ll leave you to enjoy your stay.” Again came that wide, gold-toothed smile, before Tiago retreated from the room.
    “Okay, Josh, let’s show you where you’ll be sleeping.” Felix led the way up the stairs to a small bedroom whose full-length windows let out on to a balcony. The room overlooked the inlet, and as Felix threw open the windows, Josh saw Tiago’s little boat pulling out to sea on its way back to Anguilla. He was now officially alone with the Merediths.
    “I’ll give you a few minutes to unpack, and get into something more comfortable—” Felix cast a wry look at the heavy boots and jeans Josh had travelled in, a contrast to his own baggy shorts and deck shoes. “We’ll get a pot of coffee on, and I’ll see you downstairs.”
    Left alone, Josh quickly stowed most of the clothes he’d brought in a chest of drawers by the bed, leaving out a T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops. He kicked off his boots, and stripped out of his shirt and jeans. Wearing only his underwear, he wandered over to the open window and stepped out on to the balcony. The sun was already beginning to set, painting the sky in vivid shades of orange and purple as it sank towards the horizon. Josh could have stayed there forever, watching the hypnotic pull and drag of the gentle waves against the white sand, and listening to the distant calls of sea birds. When he finally turned away and walked back into the bedroom, the scene was imprinted on his memory, to be recalled when he wrote his piece about the secrets of Felix Meredith’s billionaire lifestyle.
    Descending the stairs, he found Amber and Felix waiting for him. Amber clutched a small wicker basket and a plaid blanket. She’d also taken the opportunity to change, and wore a white swimsuit with cut-outs that offered tantalising glimpses of her stomach and sides. Josh’s cock swelled at the sight of her.
    “We decided to forget about coffee and go eat al fresco,” she said, grinning slyly, as if she knew the effect her appearance had on him.
    “After all,” Felix added, “what’s the point of having your own beach if you don’t make use of

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