Murder on the Orient Express

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Book: Read Murder on the Orient Express for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
for my friend M. Bouc,” said Poirot. “But that is because he is a director of the line, not because he has a strong character.”
    Mary Debenham smiled.
    The morning wore away. Several people, Poirot amongst them, remained in the dining-car. The communal life was felt, at the moment, to pass the time better. He heard a good deal more about Mrs. Hubbard’s daughter, and he heard the lifelong habits of Mr. Hubbard, deceased, from his rising in the morning and commencing breakfast with a cereal to his final rest at night in the bed-socks that Mrs. Hubbard herself had been in the habit of knitting for him.
    It was when he was listening to a confused account of the missionary aims of the Swedish lady that one of the Wagon Lit conductors came into the car and stood at his elbow.
    “Pardon, Monsieur.”
    “The compliments of M. Bouc, and he would be glad if you would be so kind as to come to him for a few minutes.”
    Poirot rose, uttered excuses to the Swedish lady and followed the man out of the dining-car. It was not his own conductor, but a big fair man.
    He followed his guide down the corridor of his own carriage and along the corridor of the next one. The man tapped at a door, then stood aside to let Poirot enter.
    The compartment was not M. Bouc’s own. It was a second-class one-chosen presumably because of its slightly larger size. It certainly gave the impression of being crowded.
    M. Bouc himself was sitting on the small seat in the opposite corner. In the corner next the window, facing him, was a small dark man looking out at the snow. Standing up and quite preventing Poirot from advancing any farther were a big man in blue uniform (thechef de train ) and his own Wagon Lit conductor.
    “Ah! my good friend,” cried M. Bouc. “Come in. We have need of you.”
    The little man in the window shifted along the seat, and Poirot squeezed past: the other two men and sat down facing his friend.
    The expression on M. Bouc’s face gave him, as he would have expressed it, furiously to think. It was clear that something out of the common had happened.
    “What has occurred?” he asked.
    “You may well ask that. First this snow-this stoppage. And now-“
    He paused-and a sort of strangled gasp came from the Wagon Lit conductor.
    “And now what?”
    “And now a passenger lies dead in his berth-stabbed.”
    M. Bouc spoke with a kind of calm desperation.
    “A passenger? Which passenger?”
    “An American. A man called-called-” he consulted some notes in front of him. “Ratchett. That is right-Ratchett?”
    “Yes, Monsieur,” the Wagon Lit man gulped.
    Poirot looked at him. He was as white as chalk.
    “You had better let that man sit down,” he said. “He may faint otherwise.”
    Thechef de train moved slightly and the Wagon Lit man sank down in the corner and buried his face in his hands.
    “Brr!” said Poirot. “This is serious!”
    “Certainly it is serious. To begin with, a murder-that in itself is a calamity of the first water. But not only that, the circumstances are unusual. Here we are, brought to a standstill. We may be here for hours-and not only hours-days! Another circumstance-passing through most countries we have the police of that country on the train. But in Jugo-Slavia, no. You comprehend?”
    “It is a position of great difficulty,” said Poirot.
    “There is worse to come. Dr. Constantine-I forgot, I have not introduced you. Dr. Constantine, M. Poirot.”
    The little dark man bowed, and Poirot returned the bow.
    “Dr. Constantine is of the opinion that death occurred at about 1 A.M.”
    “It is difficult to speak exactly in these matters,” said the doctor, “but I think I can say definitely that death occurred between midnight and two in the morning.”
    “When was this M. Ratchett last seen alive?” asked Poirot.
    “He is known to have been alive at about twenty minutes to one, when he spoke to the conductor,” said M. Bouc.
    “That is quite correct,” said Poirot.

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