recovery went as
expected, the US government would never know a thing. It was truly
a shame that things never went as expected. They arrived in the
area Morpheus was said to be and got directions to the house. Hades
went to the door with the rest of the team in place. Hercules
covered the back door while Doc backed up Hades. Lu was assigned to
protect their vehicle in case any enemies lurked nearby. Eres was
at the side of the house where he could move quickly to the front
or back and cover windows.
    It became immediately clear that someone had
broken into the house and no one was inside any longer. If Morpheus
had really been there at one time, he was no longer there now.
Uncertain of where to look now, Doc pulled out the file. The
female’s brother lived nearby, it was the logical place to look
next. They drove to town and found the man’s home.
    “May I help you?” asked the man who answered
the door to Hades’s loud and impatient knock. This guy was no wimp.
He was as tall as Hades and nearly as broad. He also showed no
signs of being intimidated. He looked Hades right in the eyes, no
fear. Dumb human wasn’t smart enough to know when to be
    “We’re looking for Morpheus,” Hades
    “And who exactly is we?” he asked
    “We are his people. I am Hades.”
    “How do I know that for sure?”
    Doc moved up and pulled out her laptop. She
pulled up a website and showed it to the man. “You can see our
pictures here. We are legitimate.” He took the computer, looked at
the site closely, and sighed.
    “Come in, this will be a while. It may be
hours before they call. I can’t be sure you are who you say you are
since even websites can be faked, but I feel sure enough to give
you a chance to talk to him when they call. Unfortunately, I don’t
know when that will be except that it will be sometime today.”
    “You can’t reach them?” Doc asked.
    “Disposable cells, she throws them away after
each call. Even if I traced her call, they would be gone by the
time anyone could get there.”
    Hades gave him a disgruntled look. The damn
man didn’t have to sound so proud of it. He just wanted to get his
brother and get them all home. What was so wrong with that? He
wished things would go right just one time.
    “My name’s Slay, by the way.” He looked at
Doc with curiosity. “I thought you guys had no women?”
    “I’m not a god, I’m human. I’m mated to this
one,” she said pointing to Hades.
    Slay looked at her then at him. “How does
that work?”
    “Works just fine,” Hades growled at him.
    “You’re asking for a reason,” Doc said
picking up Slay’s concern.
    “He’s out there with my sister.”
    “They don’t just take whatever female is
closest. They’re not like that,” Doc assured him.
    “There’s something between them, I picked up
on it. I’m not positive it’s romantic, but it felt that way,” Slay
    “They treat their mates right. He’d never
hurt her,” Doc replied.
    “I hope not since we have enough to worry
about with the assholes that are chasing them.”

Chapter 5
    The Getaway
    El felt pretty good about their getaway. No
one seemed to be following them and with a good number of towns
around, they would have plenty of places to search before they ever
got here. She drove to a hotel, one of those extended stay ones.
She figured that the local cops would find the criminals that had
tortured Morpheus in a few days at the most. She also thought he
was a god, no, not the he’s so sexy he’s a god, even though that
was true, but he must be one of those genetically altered born
enslaved gods.
    She had contacted his people and tried to
convince them. They had said they would check things out and she
could only hope they would. They couldn’t have too much help to get
Morpheus on track and her and the kids back to their lives. She
felt a slight pain run through her chest at the thought of Morpheus
leaving them. That was just silly,

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