Moonbeams and magic

Read Moonbeams and magic for Free Online

Book: Read Moonbeams and magic for Free Online
Authors: Janelle Taylor
Tags: Fantasy fiction
effects; yet, scientists did not know how the crystal differentiated between healthy and abnormal cells. The same was true for viral destruction when the moonbeams were ingested with liquid. It could repair broken bones in a few horas when inserted into their location. The blue crystal could be used on a scalpel to make thin incisions which instantly sealed vessels and capillaries to prevent bleeding. The cut would then heal within a deega after the operation and never became infected or leave a scar. Other moonbeams, according to their sizes and colors, created powerful weapons and sources of heat and light that were long-lasting and safe. With such awesome capabilities, it was no wonder why the crystals were so valuable and craved, or a target for villites like Tochar. She wanted to know how Dagan had come across those three. She wondered if Tochar suspected the newcomer of being deceitful; if so, it was not revealed in the leader's expression or tone. If Dagan Latu was a liar or threat, that fact would be exposed as soon as Tochar used truth serum on him. She could only hope that Dagan wasn't

    asked any questions about her while under that revealing drug's control. Don 't worry, Bree-Kayah, if Tochar puts you under again, with your immunity, you can lie your way out of trouble. As for you, Dagan, if you re being deceitful, you 're a dead man.
    "How long have you been on Noy?" she asked him. She was amazed that he or any man would enter Tochar's do-, main coated with red dust, his garment torn and rumpled, his hair uncombed, and his skin unwashed.
    "Two deegas. I landed at another settlement, but decided I would like this one better. It isn't a secret that Tochar's is the best, and I was hoping he would be willing to hire me until I earn enough for a new ship."
    That information told Starla he had left the transporter and headed there as soon as he awakened from the temporary cryogenic drug she had given him, a rare chemical from Yakir that had decreased his vital signs to the point Moig could not detect them. But how, she mused, had he gotten off the vessel, and what had become of it, and why land elsewhere if Tochara was his destination? "How did you cross the wasteland?" she began her probe. "From which direction? Did you have any tt-ouble with the flesh-eating mutants who roam it?"
    Dagan was sttanned that she would ask any questions about his travels. He glanced down at his sorry appearance and answered, "I stole a landrover but, it malfunctioned before I reached Tochara, so I walked the rest of the way. I was lucky that one of Tochar's patt-ols sighted me and brought me to him. I didn't run into any mutants. I guess I was lucky I survived my little misadventure."
    Starla was eager to rettim to the Liska and learn about Dagan Latu, as Cypher would have a report ready for her, but she must not appear nervous or in a rush to depart. "Yes, you were very lucky," she remarked casually. "I'm sure you're grateful to whatever force saved your life. What happened to your old ship?"

    "Depletion of power forced me to abandon her, but I escaped from a Seki before he could take me in to be sent to a penal colony. I caught a lift on a supply transporter to the Keezian colony. After I landed and examined the place, I came here for rest, sanctuary, and work. What about—"
    Auken, Sach, and Moig joined them and interrupted Da-gan's query. As the three Icarians greeted their leader with respect and affection, Starla and Dagan sipped their drinks and listened.
    The golden-haired Auken reported, "We'll get everything prepared tomorrow and leave the following deega. We should reach our target, grab its cargo, and return quickly. We'll take Starla with us."
    She exchanged smiles with Auken when he glanced at her.
    Tochar introduced the newcomer to his men, "This is the infamous Dagan Latu, my ftiends: adventurer, bijoni, raider, and rogue. He barely escaped capture numerous times for some of his cunning and daring deeds. The Sekis would

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