Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

Read Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) for Free Online

Book: Read Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) for Free Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
“Honey, I know this is something new for you.
We haven’t really talked much about boys and you’ve never dated, but don’t be
afraid. This is your last year of high school- have fun and make some memories.
I love you, and you know I’m here to listen anytime you want to talk about
      “I love you too, Mom.
You’ll be the first to know if I need to talk,” I replied and bounced off to my
room, my grin still in place.

Chapter Four
    In third period
English the next day, whenever I glanced over at Seth, he was watching me with
a beautiful smile on his face. I was pretty sure mine looked more like a goofy
grin. When the bell rang, he walked me to the cafeteria and we waited in the
lunch line together.
      “You know what? I
almost asked you out last year,” he informed me.
      “What? Why didn’t
      He shrugged. “I
don’t know. You didn’t ever seem to notice me until yesterday.”
      I bit my lip,
wondering just how many times I’d missed the signs that he was interested in
      “Well, I’m glad
you finally got my attention,” I said softly, looking over his shoulder as I
spoke. I couldn’t meet his eyes, I was too nervous.
     He noticed this and
adjusted his face, his eyes in line with mine. My heart pounded so hard, I was
afraid he could hear it.
      “Me too,” he
replied, his voice so low it was almost a whisper.
     Suddenly there was
no one around us. We weren’t in a noisy school cafeteria. We were alone in our
own world. We didn’t speak; we didn’t have to. The intensity of our shared gaze
said it all.
    I heard a cough
behind me and the spell was broken. I shook my head slightly to clear my thoughts.
A giggle escaped me as I noticed the redness in Seth’s cheeks; he was actually
      We grabbed our
food and headed to my normal table, where Hallie was already seated. She gave
an exaggerated wink when she noticed us together. He laughed, but I just rolled
my eyes as I slid in beside her.
    Seth sat down beside
me and leaned forward to speak to Hallie. “Listen, I want Katie to come watch
me play tonight. Why don’t you come with her? You can keep her company in the
      She laid her
sandwich down and replied, “Sure, I’d love to.”
      “Do you know anything
about football? Katie said she didn’t, and I’d like for her to know what’s
going on in the game.”  
      She patted my arm
and smiled sweetly like I was an idiot for not knowing anything about football.
“I sure do. My dad and I are huge college football fans. We watch every
Saturday, so I’ll be able to teach her a few things.”
      He smiled, pleased
with her answer, and began to eat his lunch. My smile couldn’t have gotten any
bigger. How sweet, he’s already worrying about me.
    I glanced over at
Hallie and she not so subtly wiggled her eyebrows. I managed to hold back an
unladylike snort and attempted to eat my lunch, but I was too distracted by the
feel of Seth’s knee touching mine under the table.
      He walked me to
class after lunch and as I got to the door, he reached down and grabbed my
hand. I froze, worrying it might be all sweaty, but as soon as he looked into
my eyes, I forgot all about my hand.
     “I won’t be able to
see you again until after the game. Will you wait on me by the fence when it’s
      “Okay. I’ll wait
on you.”
    He stroked the top
of my hand with his thumb causing the butterflies in my stomach to go wild. He
gave me one more smile before walking away to his class. I stared down at my hand.
It tingled where he’d touched it.
      I was hooked after
watching Seth play that football game. I watched in awe as he ran down the
field, arms up, waiting to catch the ball before running into the end zone. I
learned his position was called a receiver. Who knew I’d ever care? He
scored three touchdowns for our team, giving us a win 24-7. I’d never yelled so
much in my life. He was very impressive. Hallie laughed at me the

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