Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series)

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Book: Read Katie's Glimpse (The Glimpse Series) for Free Online
Authors: Robin Keahey
entire game.
She said she’d never seen me like that. Honestly, I’d never felt like that
before. I could picture Seth in my life, and it did something to me. We hadn’t
even gone on a date yet, and I already felt stirrings in my heart when I
thought of him.
      I waited by the fence, just like he asked me too. My nerves were so frayed I
thought I might cry. This is not happening. It can’t be real. My hands
were twisted together in front of me, pretzel style. I stared down at the ground
and took a few deep breaths to steady myself. When I raised my head, my eyes
locked onto his boyishly handsome face. In my distracted, nervous state, he had
managed to sneak up on me. He pulled my hands free from their tangle and into
both of his. I smelled the clean scent of the soap he used, and his wavy hair
was still damp from the shower. I looked into his green eyes and noticed they
were shining.
      “Katie, I’ve been
thinking about you all afternoon. I couldn’t wait to see you tonight.” My
stomach did a flip at his words. “Do you want to go get something to eat?” he
asked, his face hopeful.
      “Yeah, I do. I just
need to check with my dad first.”
    I reluctantly
released his hands and dug my phone out of my purse. I dialed my home number
and waited nervously for someone to pick up. When Dad answered, I asked
permission to go out with Seth. He replied that he needed to speak to him
first. Ugh! This is fantastic! Dad was going to grill poor Seth over the
      “My dad wants to
talk to you,” I mumbled, holding out my phone.
     He eyed the phone
in my hand like it was snake about to strike. With a huff, he finally took it.
“Mr. Crane, this is Seth Turner.”
    Feeling the heat
creep into my cheeks, I desperately wanted to find a hole to crawl in and hide. How embarrassing, poor Seth...poor me!! I studied his face for any
indication that he was angry, or that this had made him change his mind about
getting involved with me. He kept it blank, so I wasn’t sure what he thought.
    I heard him respond,
“Yes, sir,” several times. I exhaled a deep breath when he ended the call and handed
back my phone. I watched his face with anxious eyes.
      He chuckled. “Come
on, let’s go. I have to have you home in an hour and a half.”
    My shoulders sagged
in relief, like a heavy weight had been lifted. He took my hand, leading me to
a black Jeep Wrangler. He opened the passenger door and helped me inside before
jogging around the front of the jeep. Under the bright parking lot lights, I
noticed that he shook his head as he did.
    Once he was inside,
I turned to him and groaned. “What did my dad say?”
    He snickered,
looking quite amused. “He said he expected me to act respectful towards you,
and if not, he knew my parents and he had no problem calling them.”
      “No, he didn’t!” I
gasped out.
      He nodded his head.
“Yes, he did. He also told me that you’re a sweet and innocent girl and that
you are to remain that way.”
    I was so furious at
my dad that a small growl escaped my lips before I had the chance to reign it
    Seth whipped his
face towards me. “Did you just growl?” he asked, laughing loudly.
      I looked away,
ignoring his question and his laughter. If I jump out of a moving jeep, will
it kill me? I felt as if I’d die from embarrassment anyway. I might as well
get it done quicker.
    He reached over,
grabbing my hand. “Look at me, Katie.” I reluctantly turned to face him. “Don’t
be embarrassed. Your dad is only looking out for you. I think it’s great that
he wants to make sure you are kept safe, and you are safe with me.”
      The thought that I
wouldn’t be never crossed my mind. “I wasn’t worried about it,” I replied
      “By the way, I
liked that growl. It was sexy,” he said, giving me a huge grin as he tugged on
my ponytail. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.
      We pulled up to a
popular Mexican food restaurant. We strolled inside and he gave his

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