Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

Read Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince for Free Online

Book: Read Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince for Free Online
Authors: Kumar Lomash
you not accustomed to it yet?”, Boris was a bit surprised.
    “No, surprisingly not. I felt it during my flight to Nole and then back to the spaceship. Also, on our way to Peele.”, Kevin confessed.
    “What exactly do you feel? Do you feel you are going to die in a crash?”, Boris asked, he looked genuinely interested now.
    “No, not that. I could die in a car crash too but I am never frightened there. It happens only when I am flying. I can feel every little movement of the vehicle. Every little tilt and turn…” Kevin started to explain but someone tapped on Boris’s shoulders for his attention.
    “Boriri, is that you?”, A lady asked.
    “Moriti! What are you doing here?”, Boris recognised her. Kevin remembered the name too, she was the third person in Boris’s group.
    “I am going back to Mone. I was here for a conference. Who is the kid?”, Moriti asked.
    “Kevin.”, Boris replied. He introduced Kevin to Moriti.
    “Curious name!”, Moriti said.
    “Hi Moriti! Boris is back finally!”, Keele said as soon as he got back from the kiosk.
    “What do you mean, back finally?”, Boris asked.
    “Moriti kept asking me about your return date. Now you are here, so...”, Keele explained.
    “Did I? I am sorry, I didn’t realize I was being so interrogative”, Moriti seemed embarrassed. Boris smiled and they all started walking towards the shuttle.
    “Is Boris your new nickname?”, Moriti asked.
    “No. Just just a name I used on earth. ‘Boriri’ is not a usual earth name.”, Boriri explained.
    “Wait a minute, is he Kevin from earth! Our prince?”, Moriti sounded excited.
    Other hums who were lined up to get into the shuttle started looking around on hearing the word “prince”.
    “Yes, he is.”, Boriri admitted with a confident smile. He was not trying to hide the fact, not even in the public.
    “Kevin, I have so much to talk to you. Let’s all sit together.”, Moriti proposed.
    Kevin entered the shuttle which looked very similar to the spacecraft on which he came to Peele, although a lot bigger. On the inside, there were 3 levels, all of which were being occupied by the passengers. Keele realised that Kevin was new to the shuttle so he started explaining the boarding procedure and the seating arrangements.
    “There are 6 gates, two on each levels. Passengers are being boarded from all of them. The top level has no seating, it is for passengers who wish to sleep throughout the way. It is hardly 3 hours of flight but some people do love their sleep.”, Keele said.
    “We are on the middle level. It is a single hall with seating for groups of two, four, six and eight. If you are lucky we would find a seat near a window. We would reach terminal M-12, which means 12th terminal on Mone, during its night. So, the view should be interesting for you.”, Keele said.
    “How long are days and nights on Mone? Are they of same length as on Peele?”, Kevin wondered.
    “No, that would have been fantastic. Peele’s days and nights are 14 hours long each. Mone’s are 7 hours each. It's not the same but we got them to align properly.”, Keele replied.
    “You mean, you moved Mone around to get the days and nights aligned?”, Kevin was surprised, he knew something like this is not very difficult for an advanced civilization but still it was all very fascinating.
    “Yes, we expanded to Mone about 400,000 years ago. At that time we tweaked its orbit, its rotation, its gravity and its atmosphere to suit us.”, Keele replied.
    “So, when humans tried tweaking their environment they were not completely out of their minds, were they?”, Kevin asked as all four of them took seats.
    “As I earlier said, you people grew technology before growing wisdom…”, Keele said before he was interrupted by Moriti.
    “I agree completely. And it was our fault to begin with. Royals had strictly prohibited any aid or otherwise influence in the evolution of NextGens but some of us just couldn’t resist playing

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