Moon Kissed

Read Moon Kissed for Free Online

Book: Read Moon Kissed for Free Online
Authors: Donna Grant
Tags: Romance, english, to-read
Lyons Point, I saw Vincent and Linc with their women. I hated them for being able to hold onto that. If they only knew how easy they had it.”
    Myles clasped his brother’s shoulder and squeezed. “Take your anger out on the fuckers stupid enough to cross the line tonight.”
    Solomon’s eyes flashed with an unholy light from the wolf within. “I’ll see you out there.”
    Myles watched Solomon walk out the back door before he checked on the cooks. There was an inordinate amount of humans in the bar, but that’s always how it was on a night with a full moon. Humans were temptation to the supernatural that lived in the darkness.  
    He walked out of the back and gave a nod to Kane, who slipped out without anyone noticing. Myles walked behind the bar where Riley was busy pouring drinks.
    “What are you still doing here?” she asked as she glanced at her watch. “The sun just set. You should be out there.”
    “I’m going. Are you sure you have everything?”
    She laughed and popped the caps off two beers with an opener before setting the bottles in front of the customers. “Of course.”
    Myles leaned close when she turned to run the credit card. “One of us will be close. We never leave the bar completely unattended.”
    “It’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Didn’t I prove in the last two nights that I know exactly what I’m doing? I took down that wraith, and just last night, two vampires. All by myself. Remember?”
    “I remember.” He shook his head, unable to hold back a grin. “It’s the only reason we aren’t locking you in the walk-in fridge in the back.”
    Riley cut him a dry look. “Very funny. Now get going while Addison is busy.”
    Myles glanced in Addison’s direction to see her taking down an order. Something nagged at him to stay, but he had a job to do. He walked to the kitchen and out the back door to the alley.  
    He took a quick look to make sure no one was around before he ran two steps, jumped on a stack of crates, and then launched himself over the wooden fence to the roof of the next building.
    The moon beckoned, summoned. And the wolf within answered.

    ~ ~ ~

    Addison delivered the fried alligator, dubbed Gator Bites, along with a pitcher of beer to the table of three college guys who eyed her appreciatively. A week ago, she’d have blushed at their blatant looks, but it hadn’t taken her long to get used to such things. If she were honest with herself, she would admit that the only one who could make her blush now was Myles.
    She turned from the table and looked around for him. At least one of the four LaRue brothers was always at the bar. As far as she could tell, none of them was there now.  
    Addison decided not to read too much into it. Everyone needed a night off. Hers was supposed to be tomorrow night, but she’d picked up a shift from another waitress who wanted the time off.
    She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought to get a job at a bar before. She made more money than in her other two jobs combined. Much more. It had been so freeing to quit her cleaning job. Walking in the office buildings at night when no one was there had been boring, freaky, and just plain disgusting at times.
    Whoever said that professionals were neat freaks who always picked up after themselves obviously never had to clean their offices after they’d eaten two meals without bothering to throw anything away.
    Although the food was gross, and finding it half in the garbage and half on the floor was bad, it wasn’t nearly as bad as finding spent condoms. Just thinking about it had her shuddering.
    Addison walked into the kitchen to take a breather. One of the three cooks looked up, his smile wide as he spotted her.
    “What’s up, Addy-girl?”
    Marcus was so fun-loving and cheery that she didn’t mind his nickname for her. His skin was a deep black, his head shaved, and his face in a perpetual smile. As far as she could tell, nothing got Marcus down.
    “What is it with tonight?”

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