Missing in Egypt

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Book: Read Missing in Egypt for Free Online
Authors: Rita Lee Chapman
sanctuary of the Marriott.   I couldn’t help but remember where Kareem and I had sat and enjoyed drinks overlooking the gardens, how we swam in the pool before breakfast and ate dinner in the garden under the stars.
    My appointment was with a John Turner at 10 am the next day and I caught a taxi from the hotel. I liked John as soon as I met him.   A typical tanned, blue-eyed Aussie he was very friendly and easy to talk to.   He had a diplomat’s voice, very well-spoken - he could have had a job with the ABC.   Apparently he had been with Foreign Affairs all his life and had been in Egypt for nearly two years.   He didn’t try to fob me off but listened whilst I told him about Kareem’s meeting with the kidnappers and how he hadn’t returned.   He had the file on Ramy in front of him and was familiar with the actions taken to try and trace him.   John promised to make some further inquiries and get back to me.   I told him I was returning to the hotel at Luxor , I felt comfortable there and had Hamadi to help me as an interpreter.   Also it was a lot cheaper than the Marriott!   Before I left he gave me access to the phone to ring Jim.   I didn’t think I’d have much chance of catching him - when Parliament was not sitting he was either at a meeting or attending an opening or other electorate event.   However, my luck was in and I was able to fill him in on what had happened.   “I’m so sorry” he said.   “I’ll contact the Ambassador myself and ask him to give you every assistance.   If I can help in any way let me know, and don’t worry about work”.   I replaced the phone and said goodbye to John. His blue eyes looked deeply into mine and I felt reassured that he would do everything in his power to help me.
    I flew back to Luxor that afternoon and Hamadi greeted me warmly.   But what was I to do now?   I couldn’t just sit around the hotel, but it didn’t make sense to be in Cairo .   I lay awake most of the night, reliving the events of the past few days and trying to make some sense of it all.   Why had the kidnappers waited so long to make contact and where was Kareem?   Had they kidnapped him too?   Had he been killed?   Was Ramy still alive or already dead when they made the ransom call?   I resolved to stay put for a couple of days and wait and see if the Embassy could find anything out for me or (a long shot I knew) maybe Kareem would suddenly turn up at the hotel.   In the meantime, tomorrow I would go and see the Temple of Karnak – there is plenty to see in Egypt to pass the time.   Of one thing I was sure - I would go mad if I just sat around the hotel waiting!
    When I awoke it was late – I had finally dropped off to sleep and made up for it the next morning.   After breakfast I found Hamadi and told him I was going to Karnak and asked him to call me a taxi.   “I’ll come with you” he said.   “I need a break and I can show you around”.
    Karnak was also amazing.   Hamadi was a good guide – he gave me information on the Temple without going overboard as they tend to do on a tour.    
    “Although badly ruined” he explained “no site in Egypt is more impressive than Karnak .   It is the largest temple complex ever built by man.   It is actually three temples, enclosed by these enormous brick walls.   Only the largest, Amun-Re is open to the public.   Luxor Temple , which you saw the other day, is outside these enclosed walls, joined to Karnak by the avenues of the sphinxes.”
    I found myself marvelling again at the incredible size and accuracy of the statues and columns.   All those years ago, man had been able to make such huge, perfect and beautiful works of art that we were still enjoying today.   Everywhere you looked there were hieroglyphics depicting stories – Ramses II, the Queen Nefertari with her servants bearing gifts of food and wine, depictions of fighting with dying enemies surrounding the King, Gods Horus, Isis, Rae all

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