Midnight Quest

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Book: Read Midnight Quest for Free Online
Authors: Honor Raconteur
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, YA), Young Adult, female protagonist, gods
against his back. “I’m fine.”
    The rest of the night passed in something of a blur for Jewel. When they’d reached the bottom of the rocks—for which both of them said a prayer of thanks as well as the fervent wish they’d never do something similar again—Sarvell had led her straight to a hiding spot on the outskirts of town. It had three horses, already saddled and loaded with supplies. Jewel had only the impression that it was some sort of shed or small barn, judging from the musty smells and air of disuse, but she had no time to gather firmer impressions. Sarvell tossed her onto the back of a horse, climbed up behind her, and quickly put them on the road.
    She asked her companion no questions as they rode. It was clear to her that he was trying to think and do about three things at once. In no way did she want to distract him at this juncture.
    They rode in silence for some time at a steady lope. Time passed without any real meaning until the sun started to rise, giving off pale warmth that danced along her skin. Jewel turned her face toward the sun, smiling as the rays became stronger. After four days of complete isolation, she enjoyed the sensations of the outside world.
    “Priestess, we need to get off of this road before anyone sees us,” Sarvell said without warning. “We’re too conspicuous. People are going to remember us.”
    A blind girl in an Order dress, wearing a guard’s jacket, with a man that was obviously not of Thornock? Yes, that would certainly be memorable. “What do you suggest?”
    “I think we need to get off this main road and to one of the back trails. The way is going to be rougher, and I won’t be able to hold you in front like this. If you ride behind me, can you hang on tight for an hour or so? I might need to guide us quickly off the path without warning, and I don’t want you falling off.”
    Her arms were already aching from hanging on as he climbed down from the castle. Did she have the strength to do so? “I can.”
    “Good. Let’s change roads, and then we’ll stop long enough to put you behind me.”
    The horse’s gait shifted as it turned, and the sharp sound of hooves hitting stone changed to a duller thud of hooves against dirt. They rode like this, at a slower pace, for several moments before the sound changed again from loose dirt to packed and hardened soil.
    They slowed to a stop. “Here is good. Priestess, if you’ll hang onto my arm like this—yes, just so—and now swing your leg up high and around.”
    A little nervous about doing this (Jewel had rarely been on horseback in her life) she took a deep breath, gripped Sarvell’s arm as tightly as she could, and threw herself in the direction he wanted. She felt her clothes twist as she slid roughly against him, and the smooth feel of the horse’s hide against her bared legs. Sarvell’s hold abruptly checked her from moving, catching her from going too far over and sliding off the other side. She came to a somewhat abrupt halt with her legs on either side of the horse’s rump. A minor sense of victory washed through her. “Phew, that worked.”
    Sarvell let out a soft chuckle that she could feel vibrate into her from where they touched. “Don’t worry, I would have hit the ground before you did. Elahandra will have my head if you’re hurt on my watch.”
    “She probably would,” Jewel agreed ruefully. Releasing her death grip on his arm, she took a moment to straighten out her clothes as much as she could. The dress she wore was not wide enough to really ride astride like this, and judging from the cool air on her skin, her ankles were bared. Oh well. It wasn’t like anyone would see, anyway.
    Sliding both arms around his waist, she locked her fingers together in front of his belt buckle. “Alright, I’m ready.”
    “Good.” With a gentle tap of his heels, Sarvell urged the horse back into motion.
    Jewel had a thousand questions she wanted to ask him, including how he’d been

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