Midnight Quest

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Book: Read Midnight Quest for Free Online
Authors: Honor Raconteur
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, YA), Young Adult, female protagonist, gods
easier task.
    She did not need to see the sheer drop that they were navigating to understand just how difficult and dangerous it was. The slight wind that she felt on her skin as they rappelled out of the window was harsher down here among the rocks, and it whined as it skimmed its way in and out of crags. This was no gentle slope, but a harsh incline with sharp angles to it. A scent not unlike metal, with a chalky aftertaste to it, invaded her mouth and nose and told her that they were completely surrounded by rocks. There was no smell of earth or vegetation to soften it. Each movement on Sarvell’s part, as his hands and feet brushed against rock, made a soft scraping sound that echoed oddly. She knew without being told that if he slipped there would be nothing but sharp boulders to halt their descent.
    More than these reports her senses were making, she could feel the strain in Sarvell’s body. Each time he moved his arms his shoulders would press into hers, and she could feel the slight tremor in his muscles as he struggled to maneuver with her added weight on his back. His breath came in harsh, short intervals as well, and the skin in front of her face nearly steamed with heat. He was a strong man, she could feel that clearly, but even the strongest of men could only demand so much from their bodies before they would start to feel the strain.
    They could not stop and rest, not even for a moment. They couldn’t afford to stay in the castle’s shadow as they were. Even though Jewel knew that, she wished she could somehow help this man who was trying so hard for her sake.
    Not knowing what else to do, she released her gripped hands so that she could raise one sleeve to his temples and wipe off the sweat beading there.
    “Thank you,” he gasped, grunting slightly as he shifted and lowered them to another level. “The sweat is stinging my eyes.”
    This was something she could do to help, then. She waited a few moments before lifting her hand again, wiping at his temples.
    “I’m glad you’re small,” he said in short pants. “This would be impossible…otherwise.”
    “Are we nearing the bottom?” she asked hopefully.
    “No,” he denied wryly. “About a third of the way.”
    Only a third? Considering how tired he already was, Jewel couldn’t imagine how he would make it to the bottom. Even if he did, he would surely collapse, which they couldn’t afford to do. The bottom of this thrice-cursed cliff didn’t equate freedom. Once they were on level ground again, they would have to quickly flee the area. He had to have the energy necessary to keep traveling for the rest of the night.
    At this rate, he’d never make it.
    In the course of her eighteen years, whenever Jewel came to a point where she needed help or advice, Elahandra was the one she prayed to. Under circumstances this dire, Jewel didn’t hesitate to bow her head and offer a silent prayer to her goddess. Elahandra, this amazing man you sent to me is doing everything he can, but I worry for him. I’m afraid he’s nearing exhaustion. Can you help him?
    The soft, gentle voice that answered her sounded as if it were within her own mind. “ I’ve been waiting for someone to ask.”
    Jewel sensed the power that washed over them both, there and gone again in the blink of an eye. Sarvell froze on the spot. “Priestess, what did you just do?”
    “I prayed,” she answered, feeling like a heavy stone had been lifted from her, “and Elahandra blessed you with the strength you’ll need to last the night.”
    She could not see it, but the smile was clear in his voice. “Thank you. And thank the goddess for her generosity. Now I’m confident I can get you down.”
    Her frantic grip on his shoulders eased as he started down again, maneuvering with more speed and dexterity. She laid her head on his back, listening to his steady heartbeat and breathing.
    “You’re not cold, are you? That coat is helping to protect you from the wind?”
    She smiled

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