Mating Behavior
plagued him. He ran, the wind
at his face and the smells of the forest all around. Unsure of how
far he’d gone from Katie, he stopped and sniffed, trying to catch
her scent. As he did, he caught the scent of others. At first he
assumed it was the pack of wolves they’d seen and then Katie’s
question hit him like a ton of bricks.
    Shouldn’t she be whelping pups this time of
    He sniffed again, this time his chest
tightened as he realized what he smelled. The scent of
    Alan changed directions, rushing back
towards camp. The mating pair of wolves hadn’t been ordinary grey
wolves, they’d been weres and they’d seen Katie watch them fuck. If
there was one thing Alan was sure of, if the weres caught the
notion to investigate the two strangers watching their mating,
they’d know instantly he was a werewolf and Katie was human. They
wouldn’t take kindly to him bringing a human among them, regardless
of the fact he didn’t know weres still frequented the area.
    Why the hell do think your mother was so
keen on you bringing Katie up for a week? She thinks Katie’s a
were, and her grandmother wants grandkids.
    Fear spurred him onward. If anything
happened to Katie, he would die. Over the course of his time
knowing her, she’d become his everything. He broke through the
clearing, remembering he was in wolf form and backed up slowly, not
wanting to alarm Katie.
    “Hi there.” Katie’s soft voice rode the air.
At first, Alan assumed she was talking to him until he realized her
voice came from the other side of the tent. “You’re a pretty wolf
and very brave.” Traces of her fear reached Alan and made his gut
clench. He also sensed powerful magik. Thoughts of Katie being hurt
left him thinking irrationally.
    He shifted quickly into human form, not
caring that he was naked.
    “My, my,” a deep male voice said from his
left. He turned to find a naked man who looked to be able to rival
him in a fight, leaning against a tree, smiling. The man’s
shoulder-length black hair hung partially in his face, but didn’t
mask his green eyes, which were currently gazing at Alan’s exposed
cock. “I can see why she’s with you. But,” he stroked his own,
“you’re no match for me.”
    Alan stilled, straining to hear what was
going on with Katie. He couldn’t be held responsible for his
actions if she was harmed in any way. Alan knew the beast within
would rise and fight to the death over her.
    The man laughed softly. “Noelle won’t hurt
your bitch. Not until I give her the signal.”
    “And you are?” Alan asked, every muscle in
his body ached to return to wolf form and tear the man’s throat
out. Alan held the beast and his temper in check for the time
    “Bersh.” The man released his cock and took
a step away from the tree. “The one you and your bitch got a rise
out of watching fuck Noelle. I’m also the one who will enjoy
watching you fuck your bitch.”
    “What?” Alan’s brow crinkled as he tried to
understand what was going on. He didn’t remember a Bersh being with
his father’s pack, then again, he never bothered to get to know any
of them. Playing the card of being a council member's son could be
a double-edged sword. He might be permitted to live, but they’d
surely kill Katie because Alan should have known better than to
bring a human into their midst.
    There was no way he’d permit Katie to suffer
because of his stupidity. He would not let them be made examples
of. For now, he’d keep the secret of who he was to himself.
    “You know, city boy,” Bersh said. “I’d like
to think even you know the way of our kind. You watched me fucking
a woman, so I get to watch you. Either fuck your female or one of
our females. Makes no difference to me.” A slow smile spread over
his face. “Though, I have to admit, I want to see what your bitch
has hiding under those clothes. Maybe I’ll sample her for myself.
Noelle’s a bit predictable and rather

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