Mating Behavior
    Alan’s temper flared. “You won’t touch
    “Katie?” he said, sneering. “Cute name for a
cute human. That’s what she is, city boy, isn’t she? She’s a human,
or is she? You know our kind is forbidden from taking a human mate.
We can fuck them, but we can’t commit to them.” He tipped his head.
“Not unless we turn them. They’re not to know of our kind.” Bersh
sniffed the air and grinned mischievously. “Smell the power.”
    All I smell is a man I will kill if he dares
to harm my mate.
    Alan’s blood pumped. My mate? No. She
can’t be.
    “We’ll leave. I didn’t know the wolves here
would be weres. She doesn’t have a clue werewolves exist. I’ll take
her and go.” Alan readied himself for a possible attack.
    The man laughed. “Go? Now why would I want
you to do that? I told you already, I want to sample your
bitch—your cute human, Katie. I might settle for getting to watch
you mount her. Maybe not. Depends on my mood.”
    Alan made a move to rush him and Bersh
tossed his hand up. “One word from me and Noelle rips Katie’s
throat out, city boy.” He grinned. “Take your pick. Are you fucking
your human or one of the bitches from our pack? We’ve got more if
you don’t like the ones with us. In fact, all in all, there are
about two hundred members of our pack at the ready should we put
the call out.”
    It was an extreme threat and Alan knew the
man wasn’t kidding. That many weres would mean the death of Katie
for sure. He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his cool. “We don’t
have that kind of relationship. She’s my best friend, not my—”
    “Bullshit,” Bersh snapped. “I could smell
her wet cunt while I was fucking Noelle. She wants you and you’re a
liar if you try to tell me you don’t want the bitch too. The anger
coming off you is thick enough to cut with a knife, city boy. You
act as if she’s already your mate.” He glanced in the direction of
the tent. “But, if you don’t want her, I’ll happily take her off
your hands. I’ve always wanted to turn a human while fucking
    Red flags went up in Alan’s head. His hands
trembled and his entire body filled with dread at the thought of
Katie being taken by the man and then turned. He would die before
he let that happen.
    “I’ll do it,” Alan said, his voice low.
    “You’ll do what?” the man asked.
    “I’ll take her myself. No other, just Katie
and just me. We watched the two of you from afar. You can do the
same for us. Understood?”
    The man tossed his head back and laughed. “I
like your spunk, city boy. Don’t think you’re calling the shots
here. But, I’m willing to see how well you hold up your end of the
bargain so I’ll agree to watch from afar. For now.”
    It took everything in Alan to not attack
    Bersh lifted a sardonic brow. “We’ll be
watching you.”
    The man shifted quickly into wolf form and
howled. A light grey female wolf came bounding out from the other
side of the tent and ran off into the forest with the beta.
    “Fuck!” he shouted.
    I shouldn’t have left her. Hell, I shouldn’t
have even brought her.
    “Alan, is that you?” Katie called out.
    He rushed for his clothing and put his jeans
on quickly, before realizing he’d shredded his shirt. A human would
have been cold in what Alan considered mild air. A werewolf, like
Alan, wasn’t bothered. He regulated his body temperature
    “I’m here, honey.”
    Honey? Why in the hell do I keep calling her
hon or honey?
    Katie came out from behind the other side of
the tent as he was zipping his jeans. Her dark brown eyes widened
as she stared at him. “Well, okay then. I didn’t realize you were
going to get naked or I’d have chased after you.”
    I wish.
    “What’s up?” he asked, groaning as his cock
decided to harden at the sight of her again.
    She beamed. “The female wolf, the one we
watched mate with the beta, she wandered right up to our camp!”
    Alan’s gut

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