Master Mage

Read Master Mage for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Master Mage for Free Online
Authors: D.W. Jackson
Tags: Fantasy, Saga, Magic, dragon, mage, wizard, die, cheap
cabin reminded Thad of the
cottage Monique and Jayden had back in Sanctuary. Nothing
extravagant, but the detail of the woodwork was
    Jayden came out of one of the side
rooms wearing thick work boots and the chain mail of a soldier. “I
heard that one of the higher-ups from the capital had come down to
inspect, but I never expected it to be you.” The older man laughed
as he vigorously shook Thad’s hand.
    “What are you guys doing here?” Thad
asked, his face clearly showing his confusion. Shortly after they
had arrived back in Farlan, Thad had rushed to the capital, while
the other mages had moved slowly with the caravan. When the caravan
finally made it to the capital, Thad had learned that Monique and
Jayden had disappeared. He had wanted to look for them, but there
were too many other pressing issues at the time.
    “I never really got along with the
other mages,” Jayden said, shrugging his shoulders. “If it hadn’t
been for Monique, I would have never even come to live in
Sanctuary, so when the chance presented itself, we left the
caravan. Not long ago, we heard they were looking for soldiers and
workers to help at the new fort, so me and Monique decided we could
lend a helping hand,” Jayden said, running his hand through his
scruffy beard. “They were a little put off with my age at first,
but once I threw a few of their boys around like rag dolls, they
seemed to think better of making a point out of it.”
    “I am glad to know that not all the
people from Sanctuary have to be coerced into fighting for Farlan,”
Thad said, remembering his last meeting with the elders.
    “I don’t even have to ask what you
mean,” Jayden replied, laughing. “Those useless fools never want to
do what they should. If they did, there wouldn’t be anything for
them to argue about.”
    “Maybe you’re right, but they are not
making it easy on anyone. A lot of people are going to see the war
as their fault, and if they refuse to help … ,” Thad said, leaving
the statement unfinished.
    “I am sure enough of them will see it
your way,” Monique said, setting down warm mugs of tea in front of
him and Jayden.
    “I hope so,” Thad said, looking at
Monique in a new light. Her face was much rosier than it had been,
and she looked as if she had put on weight recently. “You look
good. Military light agreeing with you?” Thad asked as his mind
tried to puzzle through the clues.
    “I didn’t join the military,” she said,
her face glowing. “I’m pregnant,” Monique said happily, a few tears
running down her cheeks.
    “Congratulations,” Thad replied, unsure
of himself. “If you’re not in the military, then what are you
doing?” Thad asked, trying to change the subject.
    “Thad, I am a merchant, and any good
merchant will seize any opportunity they can. Right now, that
opportunity is making home-cooked meals for the men … at a price,”
she added with a brazen smile. “My cooking skills may not be the
best, but they far outstrip what passes as food around
    “You’re not giving yourself enough
credit, dear. Your food is divine,” Jayden said, giving Thad a sly
    Monique gave him a wry smile and
laughed before punching the stout man in the arm. “I saw that,
mister. You better behave. Otherwise, you can eat in the mess hall
in the foreseeable future,” Monique threatened.
    The three friends talked long into the
night. Monique offered to make up a pallet for Thad, but he was
sure the married couple would much prefer their limited time alone.
As he headed back to the barracks, he thought about Monique and the
fact that she was pregnant.
    Thad himself had never thought about
kids much before. Brianna had said he would have made a good
father, but he was not so sure. He always tended to get himself in
more trouble than was common. Since he had turned fifteen, he had
been an escaped slave, been prisoner three different times, fought
in numerous battles, and seen more people than he

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