Make Me Weak (Make Me #1)

Read Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) for Free Online

Book: Read Make Me Weak (Make Me #1) for Free Online
Authors: Megan Noelle
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
out his arms, and I blinked. Nothing about that first and last name sounded familiar.
    He shook his head smiling. “We went to the same high school together. You were a cheerleader for the football team!”
    The wheels started turning, this typical preppy frat boy from the club was indeed an old classmate. The memories started flooding in. Kayne played football every year I cheered. Although we had the same general crowd of friends, we hardly ever spoke. Our little circle of people were different and it wasn’t until right now that I recognized him. My stomach was sinking quickly as it registered that for the first time someone knew me as both Kandi and Alexandria.
    “Yeah, I remember now.”
    Kayne’s smile grew wider than I figured was humanly possible. He plopped himself on the bench next to me shifting much closer than I was comfortable with.
    “We even went to the same college for freshman year. We were in the same class, I kept meaning to say hi , but you always seemed preoccupied. Then you just disappeared after the summer.”
    I looked away from his face and stared forward to the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean.
    “I transferred.” My words were short and firm. I didn’t want to reminisce about old times , and I sure as hell didn’t want to answer questions about where I went. It was no one’s damn business but mine.
    Crossing my arms over my chest and placing my leg over my thigh, I hoped Kayne quickly got the message. I wasn’t open to hanging out , or having a conversation for that matter. I wanted the silent peace of my bubble that I had been in before Kayne came out of nowhere and ruined it.
    “Did you? Man that is a lot less colorful than the rumors that were going around at the time.” Kayne slung his arm along the back of the bench. Out of the corner of my eye I watched his head shake back and forth as if he was hearing those rumors all over again.
    “People suck.”
    He snorted. “Yeah, that’s for sure. It was a bummer being at that school though the next year, at least for our group.”
    I knew he was waiting for me to ask something but I didn’t.
    “I was away that summer at a football camp. When I came back for school everything was different. All our friends that transferred to our school didn’t talk to one another anymore. I tried getting the gang together for a welcome back party and they all acted like we were strangers. It just never made sense.”
    Yes, it did.
    “It just means they were never real friends.”
    Kayne nodded his head, deep in thought. If I would have got ten up right now I doubt he would have noticed. Strangely enough though, my legs didn’t move. I didn’t take my chance to walk away and I had no doubt I’d regret it. Hearing anything about that summer was a shock to my system. I’d give anything to live in that sweet ignorance that Kayne was currently experiencing. Unfortunately, I couldn’t be that lucky.
    I knew what happened.
    I knew why everyone changed.
    It was the same event that turned my world upside down.
    My stomach churned with nausea, that delicious coffee from earlier was beginning to burn in my throat. Goosebumps made my warm skin feel suddenly frigid and uncomfortable. I rubbed my hands up and down my arms to shake the sensation away. We needed to change the subject or I was going to get sick.
    “ So, um, how was your birthday?”
    I cast a glance his way but returned my focus to the wide open ocean.
    “Well, last night was a lot of fun. After you left, me and my buddies got so drunk. I woke up at five this morning to go for a run to shake it off. I can’t drink like we used to apparently.”
    It was curious to me the way he already referred to us like we were old pals. I knew my memory wasn’t mistaken, we were never friends before. I couldn’t help but wonder where it was coming from. Were things that bad between everyone when he went back sophomore year?
    “Hmm,” was all I gave, yet it was still enough to keep him

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