Love Far Away (A Spicy Contemporary Romance)

Read Love Far Away (A Spicy Contemporary Romance) for Free Online

Book: Read Love Far Away (A Spicy Contemporary Romance) for Free Online
Authors: Leslie Cooper
my pitchfork to go after him
as well.
    “Ash. Really,” said Becca. She sat down next to me with her
arm across my back and gave Ashley a dirty look. “Now’s not the time for that.
Julia, we care about you and we’re so upset that he did this to you.”
    “He’s a piece of shit,” said Ashley definitively.
    “We were just talking about how Julia needs to take a
break,” said Megan, attempting to steer the conversation away from what a piece
of shit my husband was. I hadn’t even told them about Nikki yet. “A girls trip
is in order. Where to? New Orleans, Miami, Vegas, Virgin Islands? Somewhere
    “Not the Virgin Islands,” I protested. “I could maybe do a
weekend away. Somewhere close.”
    “Sure, when I want to cut loose and have a good time with my
girlfriends after my dipshit husband announces he’s divorcing me, Pittsburgh is
exactly where I think of,” said Ashley sarcastically. “Go big or go home,
    “I don’t know,” I hedged.
    “It doesn’t have to be the Virgin Islands,” said Megan. “I
was just suggesting, you know, somewhere warm and sunny where we could lie on a
beach and drink cocktails all day. Somewhere relaxing.”
    “She doesn’t need to relax,” argued Ashley. “She needs to
drink her face off and dance on a table somewhere, while looking smoking hot in
a brand new dress.”
    “It might be nice to get a change of scenery for a bit,”
said Becca, her arm still around me. “What do you think, Jules?”
    Ashley was already refilling her wine glass. “I say we stop
by her house and key his car,” she announced.
    “Ashley, cool it,” said Becca. “We don’t need to get
arrested. Then we really couldn’t go on vacation. I know he’s a jerk, but it’s
not like he cheated on her.”
    I took a deep breath. “Actually-“
    “Oh, hell no,” said Ashley.
    Megan’s mouth gaped open. “He cheated on you?”
    “He swears he didn’t,” I said hurriedly. “He swears nothing
physical happened. But he told me he’s in love with someone else. Some girl at
    Becca gasped. “An emotional affair,” she said. “When you
start talking to someone else the way you might to your husband or wife, you
can’t stop thinking about’s almost worse than having sex, in some
ways. Emotionally cheating. Oh, I can’t believe he did that to you.”
    “I can,” Ashley snarled into her wine glass. “You know what?
We should find you someone else, too. You’ve been with this douchebag your
whole life. You need to go out and have revenge sex with someone else.”
    “I can’t,” I said, overwhelmed. “I can’t. Even with what he
said, I don’t hate him- I don’t want to ruin his life- I don’t want to sleep
with someone else- I just want to wake up tomorrow and have this all be a
    “That’s okay,” Becca comforted me. “Guys, don’t overwhelm
her. She just found out hours ago! She’s barely had time to process things. It’s
okay to feel like that,” she added, speaking to me instead of about me this
time. “It’s okay to be in denial, or go through the grieving process, instead
of going straight to revenge.” She gave Ashley a pointed look.
    “Well, I might go over and key his car then,” said Ashley.
“God, do I ever hate him now! What’s her name?” she asked me.
    I pressed my lips together, trying to keep it all in. It
couldn’t be real, could it? Just this morning, I’d been happily married and
organizing my daughter’s birthday party. Now I was crying into my glass of wine
and listening to my friends plot out various revenge strategies. Sex with
random men? Trips to Miami to drink my face off? Keying his car? I just wanted
to wake up from this nightmare. If I said her name out loud, it would be real.
    They were all looking at me, though. “Is it someone you
know?” asked Megan gently. “Did he bring her around you?”
    I shook my head slightly. “I might have met her at the
office Christmas party. I don’t

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