Like You Read About

Read Like You Read About for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Like You Read About for Free Online
Authors: Mela Remington
he had access to everything while she wasn’t around to supervise, did he read her chat logs?  No, of course he didn’t he isn’t nosy like that, and when he works on someone’s computer he always logs in as the administrator, so he probably doesn’t have access to her personal files, right?  For safety’s sake , she was just going to go and delete all those archives today.  But before she did that…
                  Cora: Get your tiny fairy ass over here young lady
                  Kaelyn: What? I’m busy reading Perez before I start my actual work
                  Cora: reading Perez is not busy and this is D related so hustle
    After going to the history and deleting everything between her and Kaelyn since the dawn of time, she closed the chat box and turned to face her “door.”
    “What is so important you had to tear me away from gossip about who John Mayer is fucking these days?” Kaelyn snorted.
    “That,” Cora pointed to the bag of candy, not touching it , too scared it wasn’t really there.
    “Oh that, after he worked on your computer he realized he’d emptied your candy dish so he asked where you got them so he could replace them for you, he said he’d have hated for you to come in on Monday and not have any to enjoy while you crunched your beans.” Kaelyn said with a self-satisfied smirk.
    “And you didn’t think to mention it any time we’ve talked or texted since then?” A death stare was what she was shooting at Kaelyn, because this was important news, as in we interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast kinda stuff, and yet not once had the broadcast been interrupted.
    “A. I didn’t think it was a big deal he was doing something nice , and 2. I didn’t want to muddy the waters or sway your decision, you needed to come to it on your own, decide that you wanted to be brave with no other forces at work.”  Buffing her nails on her sweater and then looking at her garish blue polish Kaelyn plopped in the guest chair. She knew how Cora’s brain worked; this might be a long one.
    “O kay, you should know a correct ordering schema but that’s a broken record, but he was here, in my cube, sitting in my chair, touching my stuff, you should have told me. He could have read our chat logs.” Her stomach roiled in that nervous way as her crazy ramped up and up and up.
    “He didn’t read the logs. I would have seen your icon light up and it never did, and even if he did, we never mention him by name; there are like 5 guys who work in IT. You could be crushing on any one of them, and I did you a favor not telling you, and he did something sweet, which just gives more weight to the ‘answer the ad for fuck's sake already’ argument.”
    “I thought you wanted to edit it, tweak it ?” Now she was wringing her hands, this was not good. She twisted the emerald ring on her right hand, around and around, a usually calming gesture, which was having no effect on her at all today.
    “I slept on it and decided it was perfection, it should come from you, and it shouldn’t be copy edited . You’re an accountant, not an English Lit major, it’s perfect, Cora.” Kaelyn got up from the chair. “Now if that’s all I need to catch up on what night club Paris Hilton was at last night.”
    As Kaelyn started to turn Cora whispered, “Good, because I sent it last night.”
    Kaelyn ’s jaw dropped, and she shook her head as she walked away.
    Unable to sleep last night around two a.m. Cora fired up her laptop, copied and pasted her response, hovered the mouse arrow over the send button, closed her eyes and clicked send.  That was why she bounded out of bed this morning, that’s why she needed to know when the candy arrived, possibilities—that was why.
    Turning to her computer , she fired up her email program.
    T o: Daniel Santagata
    From: Cora O’Malley
    Date: January 14, 2008 9:15a.m.
    Subject: Thank you
    Thank you, that was (artificially) sweet of you

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