Like You Read About

Read Like You Read About for Free Online

Book: Read Like You Read About for Free Online
Authors: Mela Remington
    I know the work thing can be awkward but I am interested in getting to know you better, seeing if we have anything in common .  If nothing comes of it then I’ve made another friend and that’s never a bad thing, right?
    I’ve been single for a long time, only had one serious long-term relationship.  I’m looking for something with potential as well, I don’t want to go into anything with preconceived notions or a plan, but like you say in your ad I’m open to possibilities.
    Isn’t that a wonderful word, possibility, the beginning, anything could happen, the future isn’t written.
    Okay, I’ll stop babbling now.  Like I said earlier, if this isn’t something you’re interested in for whatever the reason then no harm, no foul.
    Be well,
    p.s. I really do like the beard
    She edited and revised and when she got home, she typed it all out and emailed it to Kaelyn.  Twenty minutes later, her cell rang, it was Kaelyn, “I love it, we’ll tweak a little more tomorrow, but you need to do this, you have to take the leap.”
    “I know, I know , and I’m going to, but I need to sleep on it, for a couple of days. I know I sound all breezy and casual, but I think rejection could be really, REALLY tough for me, Kaelyn.” She sighed as she plopped into her chair and a half and picked up her e-reader.  “I’m going to walk away from this for now and read a book, wallow in someone else’s fantastic romantic life.”
    “O kay, later kiddo, but we are doing this, YOU are doing this. He spent a lot of time smiling at you during the meeting, and that isn’t the first time I’ve caught him looking at you, Cora. I think there might be something there.  Just breathe and go read some of that soft-core porn you call literature and stop stressing. I mean it.” With that, the line went dead.
    Curling up in her chair Cora flipped on her e-reader and got cozy, as she settled in Guinevere jumped up on the back of the chair and headbutted her looking for some love.  “Oh sure, now you want to talk to me, are you done being mad at Mommy for leaving you?”  She scratched her head and she curled up next to her while she settled in to while away her afternoon reading about star crossed lovers destined to be together. 
    When she got up to get a drink and stretch she noticed it was pitch black outside, looking at the clock she saw it was ten o'clock, crap, she needed to pack her bag and get a good night’s sleep so she could be fresh for her wordplay with Kaelyn tomorrow. This had to be perfect.

Chapter 5
    A larm goes off, playing 'Tell me why I don’t like Mondays'
    Cora hops out of bed with nary a smack to the snooze, throwing on her workout gear she grabs her bag, her iPod , and lunch and heads out for her morning workout.  When was the last time she bounded out of bed on a Monday?  Probably the fifth of never, but today was ripe with possibility, wasn’t it?
    After ninety minutes of blood (stupid untied shoelaces making her trip), sweat, and tears, because well, falling down stairs hurts, Cora hit the shower and got dressed in another of her favorite outfits, a pair of dove gray slacks and a pink boat neck sweater. She blow-dried her hair again and considered getting it cut after work tonight, it had been a while and her ends were looking frayed.  No makeup today, but some classic pearl jewelry and she was on her way to dump the gym bag, pick up her lunch and head to her building. She was trying really hard not to skip, and she didn’t, at least not all the way.
    After throwing her lunch in the fridge, grabbing her fruit and yogurt and a cup of coffee , she headed to her cube and booted up her computer.  While waiting for everything to wake up she turned and noticed a bag of sugar free strawberry candies on her desk with a purple post-it, “These are to replace the giant handful I stole on Thursday afternoon while updating your anti-virus software. – D”
    Fuck, he was in her cube, on her computer,

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