Lexington Black
I'm going to the
Deansfield,' he said.
    'With the Audi guy?'
    'With the Audi guy.'
    Immediately, he could tell her radar was
working overtime. 'The one who terrifies you.'
    'Yeah, but ...'
    'So is it a date?'
    'I don't know.' He could feel his face
growing pink.
    'It obviously is because you're blushing. And
don't lie because I'm your twin and I know these things. A gay man
asks you for dinner and you say yes. You're either totally fucking
confident in your heterosexual status or you're looking to
    'It's prawn cocktail and steak. Let's not
over-think this.'
    'Oh, I shouldn't be over-thinking this? I
wasn't the one who interrupted your fucking beauty sleep boo-hooing
about your latest jerk-off fantasy, bro .'
    'Okay! It's a date. I hope it's a date. If
that means I'm waving the rainbow flag now, then fine. I'm cool
with it. I'm just ... apprehensive, that's all, about how the
evening will end. I mean, I'm a virgin, aren't I?' He glanced at
his watch. His heartbeat elevated as he saw how close it was to
eight o'clock. 'I need to go.'
    'Good luck. If you need to call me later, you
know where I am.'
    'Thanks, sis.'
    He blew her a kiss down the phone and hung
up. His mood was light as he ran down the stairs to his car.
Something about talking to Geri and her knowing what he was doing
was reassuring. He did not know what would transpire in the next
few hours, but she had his back whatever happened.
    Lex was alone in the hotel lounge when he
walked in. He was sitting by the fire, reading the Times, holding a
tumbler which Rob presumed held single malt. He was dressed in a
sharply-tailored jacket and tie, and Rob was glad he had decided to
wear the suit.
    Lex pressed the tumbler into his hand and
urged him to try the Jameson.
    Rob hesitated. 'I can't drink a lot. I'm
    'Possibly,' Lex said with a knowing
    Obligingly, Rob took a sip of the whisky. It
was all smoke and fire. He nodded approvingly and handed the glass
back to him.
    'And I've got a special treat for us,' Lex
said as they walked through into the dining room.
    They were led to a table in an alcove, an
intimate space made for two. Other diners talked quietly at their
tables. A pianist played Gershwin on a grand piano at the other end
of the room.
    'Here we are,' Lex said as a waiter
approached the table with a decanter of claret and a bottle. 'I had
this brought down from London this afternoon.' He turned the bottle
around so Rob could read the label.
    '"Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 1982." Good
heavens, I am honoured. How did you find this?'
    Lex looked pleased with himself. 'It's called
money, Rob. Money, persistence and a very good PA.' He smiled up at
the waiter as he waited for him to pour a taster into his glass.
'Let's hope it's worth the price.' He cradled the glass in his
hand, warming the liquid, then took a deep sniff, closing his eyes.
Rob watched him, transfixed. He wasn't just doing it for show. He
was a true connoisseur. He took a sip and thought for a moment.
    'Superb.' He motioned at the waiter to
continue pouring. Rob empathised with the look of relief on the
young man's face. He murmured "enjoy," and left them alone.
    'Your turn,' Lex said. He watched intently as
Rob picked up the glass, cradling it as Lex had done. He went to
sip at it.
    'Smell it first. Tell me what you get.'
    Rob obeyed. He let his nostrils flare as he
picked up notes of ... 'cedar, I'm guessing. I'm not very good
    'Well done. Now taste it.'
    Rob took a mouthful. It was like honey
coating his tongue. It was better than sex. He felt his face flush
at the thought.
    'That's obscenely good,' he said, when he
could speak again. 'I feel as if I've been groped by angels.'
    Lex almost choked on his wine. He let out a
burst of laughter that drew disapproving glances from other
    'I think we're going to have a very enjoyable
evening,' he said, and picked up his menu. 'I hope the food lives
up to it.'
    Rob expected another Spanish inquisition
about his life and he

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