Lady's Choice

Read Lady's Choice for Free Online

Book: Read Lady's Choice for Free Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: Contemporary Romance
more clearly about our future."

    "Juliana," Travis said with elaborate patience, "last night we discovered we happen to be very good together in bed. Remember?"
    "Of course I remember. So what?"
    "'So why deny ourselves that element of the relationship?" he asked gently. He reached across the table and covered her long, copper tinted nails with his big palm.
    "Simple. I happen to view the act of going to bed with a man as an act of commitment. And when it comes to this relationship of ours, I'm not making my commitment again until you've made yours and that's final. I have no intentions of sticking my neck out twice. Still want to use your month's grace period?"
    He stared at her for a long, charged moment. "What, the hell. Why not? Maybe it's better this way.
    This relationship doesn't stand a snowball's chance, anyway. I must have been crazy to think I could have my cake and eat it, too."
    "What are you talking about? What's all this about, a cake?"
    "But, Travis..."
    He got to his feet. "I'd better get back to the office."
    Juliana looked up at him anxiously. She reached out to catch hold of his arm. "Travis, wait. I don't understand what's going on. Do you want to see me again or not?"
    He touched her hand as it rested on his sleeve. His gaze was diamond hard in the sunlight. "Yes, Juliana.
    I want to see you again."
    She relaxed. "Even under my terms? You don't look too thrilled about the prospect."
    He looked down at the bright copper-colored nails on his sleeve. Then his eyes met hers. "I thought you knew what I wanted better than I did."
    Juliana gnawed on her lower lip. "Once in a while I guess wrong, just like everyone else. I can make mistakes. It's happened before."
    "With the fiancè who ran off with the petite blonde a few years ago?"
    "Like I said, I'm not infallible. Up until last night, I was very sure about you and me. As you said, things clicked between us and not just in bed. But if I'm wrong, I'd rather call it quits right now."
    "Would you?"
    Juliana drew a deep breath. "You're a very hard man, aren't you?" '
    "And you are a very volatile woman."

    "Maybe that's not such a good combination-after all. Maybe all we'll ever succeed in doing is striking sparks off each other. That's not enough, Travis."
    "Getting cold feet already, Juliana?"
    She reacted to that instinctively. "No. I'll give you your month."
    "Thanks." Travis leaned down to brush her mouth with his own. I'll pick you up for dinner tonight.
    Six o'clock okay?"
    "Yes. Fine." She smiled again, pushing aside the dark second thoughts that had crept into her mind.
    "I'll be ready. How about the new Thai place on Paloma Street?"
    "It's a date." He walked out to where the tan Buick was parked and got inside.
    Juliana sprang to her feet and hurried after him. "And do you still want to go with me to my cousin's birthday party next Saturday?" she asked anxiously. 'It will mean meeting a lot of my family, including Uncle Tony. Travis looked up at her through the open window, his expression so startlingly, unexpectedly harsh that Juliana instinctively stepped back a pace.
    "Wouldn't miss it," Travis said and turned the key in the ignition.
    Juliana smiled uncertainly and waved as he drove off. It was nice to know Travis was the kind of man who didn't mind getting involved with family; she told herself. And immediately wondered why she was not particularly reassured by that information.
    The following Saturday evening Juliana sat in the passenger seat of her snappy, fire-engine-red two-seater sports coupe and reveled in the balmy sea air coming through the open sun roof. Travis was at the wheel, and under his guidance the little car hugged the twists and turns of the coast road with easy grace. The blackness of the ocean filled the horizon, merging with the night. Far below the highway, moonlit breakers seethed against the rocks. It was a perfect Southern California evening, Juliana reflected, feeling happy and content. The past few days had

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