Knight's Game

Read Knight's Game for Free Online

Book: Read Knight's Game for Free Online
Authors: Cc Gibbs
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
them to Singapore?’
    ‘She’s in Singapore?’
    ‘So I’ve been told.’
    ‘By who?’
    ‘I doubt you know them.’
    Max knew everyone Nick knew, including Justin who’d casually asked about Katherine Hart. ‘I see,’ Max said blandly. ‘Have you talked to her?’
    Dominic shook his head.
    ‘Are you going to talk to her?’
    ‘It’s none of your concern whether I do or not.’
    Max sighed. ‘I suppose you can’t get any worse.’
    Dominic’s mouth twitched. ‘I’m pleased to have your approval such as it is.’
    ‘As if you need it. Care to tell me why she’s in Singapore?’
    If Dominic hadn’t been involved, he would have said so. ‘Staying at Raffles, is she?’ Max inquired coolly.
    ‘I believe so.’
    ‘In the Cathay Suite?’
    ‘She might be.’
    Then Dominic had put her there. It was his favourite. ‘For long?’
    A cool blue gaze. ‘That I don’t know.’
    ‘I’m surprised. It sounds as though you have everything under control.’
    Dominic leaned forward, carefully aligned the pen on his desk, then looked up and smiled tightly. ‘There are limits to what I can do.’
    Max laughed. ‘That’s exactly why she intrigues you. You didn’t just leave her, she left you, didn’t she?’
    ‘Is there no privacy in the world?’ Dominic remarked drolly.
    ‘Not a whole lot. When are you leaving for Singapore?’

    Kate was sitting with a male colleague at a table in Raffles Bar and Billiard Room when she saw Dominic walk in.
    Or rather walk as far as the doorway where he came to a stop and surveyed the room. He wore a dark polo shirt, dark slacks, and a dun-coloured sports jacket and looked cool and collected and beautiful as sin.
    She went still, her heart grabbed at her ribs, hot desire dive-bombed her brain. Left her breathless.
    Even at a glance Dominic’s shocking physical beauty, the raw energy spilling from him, the arresting, electric blue of his eyes pushed all her buttons, switched on every playing-with-fire impulse, made her suddenly conscious of all she’d missed.
    He stood utterly motionless, his stance deceptively easy as he looked around – a dominant lion contemplating his kingdom.
    Every eye in the room was trained on him – on the unequivocal power beneath the careless pose, the hard-edgedswell of muscle beneath the fine tailoring, the extraordinary beauty, the quiet confidence. The women were fascinated, the men envious. Even the bartenders stopped their work. You could have heard a pin drop.
    Dominic appeared immune to the adulatory hush.
    Then he saw her, smiled faintly and advanced into the room.
    When he came to a stop at their table, he said pleasantly, ‘How nice to see you, Miss Hart. What brings you to Singapore?’
    ‘Ah.’ He smiled. ‘I should have known. Could I buy you and your companion a drink?’
    ‘No.’ She’d only just managed to put all the pieces of herself back together. She refused to unravel her hard-won normalcy.
    ‘We’d be honoured!’ Her companion spoke at the same time, his expression one of wide-eyed awe.
    The disparate answers broadened Dominic’s smile. ‘Why don’t we go with the yes. Another round of the same?’ He half turned, nodded and a waiter appeared as though by magic. After a quiet exchange, Dominic turned back to the table and took a seat, thrusting out his hand to Kate’s companion. ‘Dominic Knight. Pleasure to meet you.’
    ‘Johnny Chen. I know who you are.’ Beaming from ear to ear, Kate’s young associate vigorously pumped Dominic’s hand. ‘My family’s from Hong Kong.’
    Dominic spoke to him in fluent Cantonese, Johnnyreplied, both men laughed and Kate fumed. Damn him, Dominic was going to charm the hell out of Johnny, who’d been an amiable, good-natured colleague during her time at CX Capital, and she was going to have to pretend to be at least minimally courteous. When she wasn’t sure she was capable of speech let alone politesse with her

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