Knight's Game

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Book: Read Knight's Game for Free Online
Authors: Cc Gibbs
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
heart beating like a drum and her libido doing the happy dance.
Jesus, do you mind? s
he reflected, bitch-slapping her libido.
This is the man who walked out on you.
    Johnny explained that they were celebrating the completion of the project they’d worked on together.
    Dominic urbanely replied, ‘I’d say that calls for champagne.’ As though on cue, the two bottles of champagne he’d ordered were carried over.
    Kate knew what Dominic was doing, and watched in silent exasperation as he kept refilling everyone’s glasses, as he gently persuaded Johnny to talk about their project at length. Johnny explained how he and Kate had worked together all night at times, how they’d worked on weekends too when they were on the trail of something good, how he’d learned so much from her.
    Dominic’s jaw clenched whenever Johnny pronounced Kate’s name with puppy dog adoration. Then he’d reach over, top off Johnny’s glass and politely ask another question.
    Four bottles later, Johnny was slurring his words, swaying in his chair and regularly losing his train of thought. Coming to his feet, Dominic beckoned a waiter over forassistance, then leaned over and spoke to Kate under his breath. ‘Stay where you are. I’ll be right back.’
    She should have left. Really, any sensible woman would have. She wasn’t mentally or emotionally ready to deal with Dominic. Everything was still too raw, her feelings not up to the challenge. It was also insulting how he casually trespassed into her life – uninvited. Zero for five. She ordered a sandwich. Or maybe her hotspur libido did the ordering.
If you don’t want to stay, I will,
her little voice whispered.
A month with only your vibrator is long enough.
    ‘Some people can’t hold their liquor,’ Dominic said on his return, sitting down and smiling at Kate. ‘Nice kid, though. I know his uncle.’
    Just because her libido had no boundaries didn’t mean Kate was willing to cave. ‘That was masterful to watch,’ she said. ‘I’m impressed.’
    ‘Apparently Johnny was impressed with you as well.’ Dominic leaned back in his chair, gave her a nod. ‘Did you fuck him?’
    ‘I really couldn’t say. Have you been fucking anyone interesting?’
    ‘Actually, I’ve been abstinent. My friends think I’m dying of something.’
    Fortunately her sandwich arrived just then because she was speechless. Either Dominic was lying or … She was speechless.
    Dominic smiled a thank you to the waiter, then pointed at the sandwich as the man walked away. ‘We can do betterthan that. Dinner somewhere? What would you like to eat?’
    The phrase hung in the air. Potent. Lush with possibility.
    She flushed, feeling an unwanted desire leap inside her and forcibly tamping it down.
    ‘I really
fucked anyone since you left,’ he said quietly.
    ‘We could argue the point. We both left.’
    ‘Speaking for myself – for good reason.’
    He wasn’t touching that. ‘I missed you.’
    She valiantly resisted the urge to reply in kind; she wouldn’t so easily succumb to hope. ‘You knew I was here,’ she said instead, narrow-eyed and accusing. ‘How?’
    ‘Someone I know saw you in the lobby a few days ago. I decided to take a chance. Could we please not argue? You look wonderful.’ His sudden grin was sexy and sweet. ‘I could show you a good time, Miss Hart. After thirty-six days of no sex, I think I could last all night and the next day and’ – his grin widened – ‘however long you want.’
    ‘That’s it?’ she said coolly. ‘I’m just supposed to say yes and forget all the … whatever you call those kind of Christmases, your leaving and—’
    ‘I’d like that, yeah.’
    ‘I suppose you would,’ she said tightly. ‘Just move past the train wreck and keep on fucking.’
    ‘Jesus, Katherine, I’m ten kinds of sorry if it helps. Everything was moving too fast. I couldn’t handle it. I wish I’d done things differently, but I

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