King Henry's Champion

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Book: Read King Henry's Champion for Free Online
Authors: Griff Hosker
Tags: Historical fiction, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Military, Genre Fiction, War
Norham which is the barrier to the rebels.  Until there is a castle at Warkworth an enemy could flood south unchecked.”
    I peered at the map.  Warkworth was in a loop of the Coquet River. “Why is there no castle here?  It has a perfect defensive site.”
    “I agree, my lord, but I know not why.  Perhaps the Bishop feared such a castle would be too hard to take and if its lord rebelled….”
    “Then I will have to speak with the King. But this map helps.”
    We left the next morning.  Sir Hugh went to Morpeth while I took the road to Rothbury and Elsdon. We agreed to meet at Warkworth. We had passed this way before and the last time had found Elsdon totally destroyed and all their people killed. When we rode up to it we saw that there was a motte and bailey castle which had risen, like a phoenix from the ruins of the old one.  A young knight walked down towards us. He bowed as he saw my banner. “The Earl of Cleveland, this is an honour. I am Phillip d’Amphraville.  Welcome to my castle.”
    “I did not know that the Bishop had appointed a new lord.”
    He looked to the ground, “He did not.  I am the cousin of Ralph who died defending this land.  We were close.  I am the youngest of my brothers and I came here to try to emulate my cousin. I am sorry, my lord.”
    “Do not apologise.  There is no Prince Bishop appointed yet. I will confirm your appointment in lieu of the Bishop. How many men do you have with you?”
    He looked shamefaced, “Four and two archers only.”
    “Do not be embarrassed. I go north where I will defend the King’s borders.  I would have you serve me.  Would you come and join my men?”
    “Aye lord.  I would be honoured.”
    “Then follow us for I go to Rothbury.”
    John of Rothbury also had a motte and bailey.  He too warmly welcomed us. “I am sorry, my lord, but I have little space for your men.”
    “I come not to use your food; I come for your men.  I am going north to do the King’s work.  How many men do you have?”
    “Four men at arms and three archers.”
    “Good, then, with your permission, we will camp by the river and tomorrow we leave for Warkworth and thence Norham.”
    That night Edward came over to me as we lay beneath the stars. “We have gained few men in this drive north, my lord.” He sounded disappointed.  He would not be downhearted; it was not Edward’s way.
    “I know but it is the quality of the men which is important. Fear not, Edward.  I believe that what we do will make this part of England stronger. We need knights like Phillippe. He may have few men with him but he believes in something and that is what is important.”
    Warkworth was the most perfect site for a castle I had ever seen.  It had two loops of the Coquet protecting three sides.  All it needed was a ditch to the south and it would be invincible.  When a new Bishop was appointed I would advise him to build a stone castle here too. It had a ditch and a motte but that was all.  The hall was barely begun.
    William of Warkworth was older than the other two knights I had met. Sir Hugh Manningham was already there and speaking with the knight who looked to have experienced war. Sir William clasped my arm, “I have heard of you Earl Alfraed of Cleveland and I expected, from the tales of your exploits, an older man.”
    “Thank you, Sir William.  And can I say that you have a fine castle here. If it was made of stone then it would be impregnable.”
    “I have pressed those in Durham for the funds but they say to wait for a new Prince Bishop.”
    “The King will appoint one soon.  In the meantime has Sir Hugh told you what we plan?”
    “He has and you may have my men too.  It is the chance for glory and treasure.  A ransomed Scot brings in much gold.”
    “And how many men do you bring?”
    “Eight men at arms and six archers.”
    “Excellent.  Then we leave tomorrow for Norham.”

Chapter 3
    Norham was just another motte and bailey but this one

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