her bruised and battered feet.
    They were
obviously dealing with a demented psychopath. From the message he
seemed to be conveying, the church played a big role in her
abduction. The New Testament of the bible used the name Jezebel
symbolically as a false prophetess who sought to lure men into
idolatrous practices. Over time, the name was used to describe
women who were thought to be whores and witches. The Jezebel demon
spirit supposedly enticed God’s servant to fornication and
    One thing was
positively clear, time was running out—the progressive nature of
the photos were testament to it. She carefully removed the picture
from the board with a set of tweezers and placed it in a clear
plastic bag she retrieved from her pocket. She sealed it shut and
gave it to one of the officers guarding the entrance.
    “ I want this sent to head office, stat. Make sure no one, I
mean no one, is to
see it on your way out of here.”
    The officer
nodded and put the plastic bag in the inside pocket of his uniform
before turning on his heel and marching out of the building.
Through the open door, Dianne heard the level of noise from outside
escalate. She jogged over to the door in time to see Taylor sitting
at the stop sign on his bike. It looked like she wasn’t the only
one to notice him.
    “ There he is! Where is she?”
    “ Where’s Casey?”
were being fired off from every direction, making it impossible to
tell who said what.
    “ God damned biker!” Old man Pillar shook his cane at the pale
faced biker.
    “ Listen up, people!” Dianne remained on the top step and
shouted out over the crowd. One by one, they turned to face
    “ First off, we don’t know who is responsible for taking Casey.
Secondly, after a thorough investigation, Mr. Danson is no longer a
    The noise level
from the crowd rose.
    “ It’s a trick! He has you all conned. Everyone knows bikers are
trouble!” A red faced man lashed out and shook his fist in Taylor’s
direction. A thunderous agreement resounded down Main
    Dianne watched
the rage blazing in Taylor’s eyes as he kept his gaze trained on
the man shaking his fist. He flashed a cursory glance in her
direction before slipping the bike into gear, and taking off from
the corner with a screech of his tires.
    She shook her
head, the backs of her eyelids prickled as the bike sped out of her
sight. The crowd turned their attention back to her. Her gaze
roamed over each narrow-minded person in front of her. Hadn’t she
also been guilty of judging Taylor because of his lifestyle?
    Seth stepped in
front of her. “We all need to stop wasting time pointing fingers at
the wrong person. No matter how you feel about the man, there is
not one shred of evidence linking him to the crime.”
    A discontented
grumble traveled through the townspeople.
    Seth held his
hands up. “There’s a very sick man out there, and he still has
Casey. I need each and every one of your cooperation. I don’t want
to hear about any more mud slinging. Now, go back to your business.
An officer will be speaking to each one of you personally. You can
voice your concerns then.” He waved them back from the steps.
    Dianne put a
hand on his shoulder. “Thanks for stepping in.”
    He rubbed her
hand. “Anytime.” He tilted his head and stepped up to face her.
“Why don’t you pay Mr. Danson a visit and extend our
    She swallowed.
“I just want to make sure the picture got sent off to forensics
    “ Okay.” He walked briskly over to the door. “I’m going to make
sure every inch of this place is gone over with white gloves. We
need to find this psycho…and fast.”
    Dianne couldn’t agree more. She’d wanted to refuse to go see
Taylor, but reminded herself of her promise to keep things
professional. I can do
this . She pushed her hands into the front
pockets of her jeans. Deep in thought, she strolled down the street
toward the station.
    Casey’s bruised

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