“Three.” He admitted, his shoulders slumping a little.
“You chicken-shit!” Mills had started before Bethany Anne put up a hand.
“Eric will be here shortly to escort the three of you back to your vehicle. While Mr. Brimer here will be relieved of his bugs and he will provide the name of the company who employed him to accomplish this, you may all go once that is complete.”
It took another five minutes to get through the final effort by Brimer to get out of it. By the time the three left, they were yelling at each other. Eric was careful to make sure nothing else was left behind.
Bethany Anne watched the three exit the room. She turned to Jakob, “And then there was one.” She smiled at him, and he looked back.
“I don’t suppose you want me for my body?” He asked with a slowly forming smile and all five of the people left in the room cracked up.
Cheryl Lynn came walking down from the top. “That was well worth the price of admission!” She exclaimed and sat in the chair just vacated by Mills.
“I’d ask what suggested something might be going on, but I already know the answer to that.” Bethany Anne said, “So, Jakob, what brings a horned unicorn to TQB Enterprises?”
“A horned unicorn?” he asked, perplexed.
“Yes, I figured I would meet an ethical lawyer about the time I met a horned unicorn.” she stated.
“Well, I’m not sure I know what to say to that.” he replied. “But before we go further, I have to tell you I don’t know how many days I have left. I explained to Mr. Michael here that I mainly wanted to see the fireworks happen.”
“And offer to represent me if I punched out a paparazzi,” Michael smiled to Bethany Anne.
“That doesn’t sound very ethical to me, Mr. Yadav.” Bethany Anne responded.
“On the contrary, my dear. It is an effort to teach the young hooligans the fine art of minding their own damned business!” He grinned up at her, and she had the hardest time not smiling back. This man’s good humor was contagious.
“And if you were healthy enough to do this yourself?” she continued.
“Well, you know that the first rule of lawyers is to never represent yourself. So, since it looks like Michael here is in great shape, and I have the mind for it, and you carry the interest of half the world, we have a real shot at teaching a lot of young hooligans!”
At this, Bethany Anne gave in and started laughing. First, she snorted, then put her hand up to her mouth and shook herself before the chuckles became outright laughter. It took a moment for her and Cheryl Lynn to quiet down.
At this point, the two men were looking at her as if she was the mom, and the two of them were guilty of something, but both looked so damn cute, you just told them to go play outside again.
She sighed out loud, “Mr. Yadav, how much would it cost me to hire you so we have client confidentiality?”
“Well,” He started, “While I would do it for free, let’s say a dollar so we have financial consideration in place.”
Bethany Anne looked to Michael, who rolled his eyes and started reaching for his pocket. “I told you in London that carrying cash wasn’t a bad idea.” He pulled his wallet out and reached over to give her an American dollar. She told him 'thank you' and moved her hand a few inches and deliver it to the chuckling Yadav.
“So, what is it that needs my confidentiality?” He asked while pulling out his wallet to nicely place the dollar inside.
“Well, let me introduce you to the General. You might notice something about him that would encourage you to listen to the pitch for you to start up my In-House counsel…”
With that, the five of them stood up and left to go find her father.
The Dark Web
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Angela B. Macala-Guajardo