Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning

Read Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning for Free Online

Book: Read Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning for Free Online
Authors: Alex Andrade
Tags: Zombies
cowered at her touch; her hand was stained ready from the drops off her machete and his own blood. She raised her hand ready to deliver another blow when her chance was taken from her by the sound of dragging steps behind her. She let him go and picked up her machete slashing off another’s head. More of those things were headed their way being drawn by the sound of the idiot’s gunfire.
    “Move.” Alex barked.
    All other escape routes were blocked. Forcing them to run up the steps into the house. Upon entry they were greeted by the family that lived there or what was the family that once lived there. Now the man that she called her neighbor and his youngest son moved towards them snapping their jaws. Alex sighed sadly at their twisted and snarling faces but that was all the thought she gave before she swung her machete hitting the father first and then the young man. Her stomach twisted unbearably.
    Fully intending to find the back door Alex turned to see Charlie had run up the stairs instead. She growled in frustration at the man and his idiocy. She thought about leaving him but she couldn’t do it. She didn’t know how she would explain returning to without him. Taking two steps at a time, trying to catch up with him before he could shut the door of a room he ran into.
    Barely making it through the door Charlie slammed it shut and moved any available objects he could find in front of it. Alex ran a hand down her face as she tried to think but it was becoming more difficult with the overbearing sounds. The scratching and the pounding at the door of those things trying to get in; of Charlie running around in circles and dragging objects and the cry of the window coming through the window was becoming just to much.
    ‘The wind?’ Alex thought.
    She perked up and looked around the room; there were two other doors and a nice big window. A beautiful big window. Alex rushed over, sliding the empty frame open; the glass pricked her palms as she leaned out to look around. They were on the second floor but the roofs were flat enough that they could walk on it, an uneasy walk. She scanned the area trying to get her barring of where she was. She knew this family and where their home sat on this street. The family she had just beheaded, her stomached twisted again; she clutched it in pain. She knew who they were…they were the Robertson’s. She shook her and trying rid her self of thoughts.
    “Charlie, get over her.” She said.
    Alex could still hear him tossing random items in front of the door. At this point she was pretty sure it was just pillows from the bed he was throwing around. She turned to look at him and stomped her foot to grab his attention.
    “Charlie.” Alex hissed.
    He looked at her hesitantly. He dropped the book on top of the mess and went to her side. Leaning against her, he looked out the window as well. She pointed outwards past some trees.
    “We can get to the bunker by hopping a few roofs. It’ll be difficult but I don’t think we’ll have too much trouble. Basically looks like we ran in a circle, look Donoghue’s house is like three jumps away.”
    Charlie stepped back shaking his head vigorously and squared his shoulders.
    “Fuck the bunker!” He roared.
    Alex narrowed her eyes and moved closer. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. She had risked her own life for him twice and he was still willing to turn his back on them. She had enough of his attitude, enough of him; he had left her to die and she would not allow him to do it them. She kept her voice low and even.
    “I am not leaving them because you’re being a scared little bitch. Do you understand me?” He opened his mouth to fight but she was not finished. “I am going back to the bunker. I am going to help our friends and if you want to go off on your own that’s fine. Let’s see how long you survive.”
    He snapped his mouth closed with a painful clink. His body ran cold at the thought of being alone out here. He didn’t

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