Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning

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Book: Read Keep Going (Book 1): The Beginning for Free Online
Authors: Alex Andrade
Tags: Zombies
want to go back to the bunker, he wanted to get the hell out of here but he couldn’t do it alone. He knew that so he nodded his head in submission.
    “Good.” She spoke a little more gently now. “Let’s get out of here before those things break down the door.” He nodded.
    Alex took notice of something and stepped back to look him up and down. “Where’s your bag?”
    “I dropped it so I could run faster.” He admitted.
    Alex sighed and rolled her eyes. She doesn’t know why she was surprised but she was. She turned away and back towards the window brushing off as much glass she could. She stepped on the roof testing the slant of it. She was able to stand straight with a bit of a struggle but it seemed to be fine. She turned towards Charlie extending her hand. He reached out hesitantly but he trusted her. He had to, there were enough chances for her just to leave him behind but she didn’t. He grasped her hand tight as he raised a foot to join her on the roof
    ‘Yes, they’d make it back to the bunker safely.’ Was the last thing he thought before he was yanked back.
    “Charlie!” Alex screamed.
    She put her other hand on top of his tying to use the full weight of her body to pull him back towards her. She braced herself on the roof, using its slant to dig her feet into. She crouch down half his body hidden as he tried to scamper out with his upper half.
    Multiple hands pulled at his clothes and yanked at his body. He screamed in horror at the feeling of their hands like ice, nails breaking skin. They were tearing at his legs so he could not stand ensuring their victory.
    Not willing to give up, Alex tightened her grip in this lost battle of tug of war. Charlie reached out trying to grab more of her but he couldn’t. He trued to mimic the monsters and dug his nails into her forearm. Her screams joined his as she felt her own skin break. The sweat from their palms weakened their hold.
    “Please, don’t let go.” He begged one finally time.
    Alex wanted to promise she wouldn’t but before she even got the chance he was taken from her. She fell back on the roof holding tightly as to not fall off. She sat frozen in fear as she watched those things tear into his flesh with their hands, their teeth sinking into any available part of his body as he begged and screamed. She wanted to turn away but her eyes wouldn’t allow it. Ears stayed open as her mind cataloged every scream and plea he made towards her. Calling out her name over and over until it softened into a gurgling sound as the blood spilled from his lips.
    Her gently gasp drew the attention of what was once the mother of the family. It looked up slowly locking its glowing eyes with hers. It continued to chew a piece of fat, the end part hanging from the corner of its mouth. Releasing the fatty substance with intention of feasting on fresher meat.
    It was not until the sound of cracking glass did her mind finally start up again. Alex scrambled up as best she could. Without a second thought she jumped off the roof onto the other, the feel of fingers grasping at her ankles.
    Alex landed harshly on her side, the pack on her back made her feel heavier. More weight falling down upon her and pushing the air out of her body. Knowing bruises were sure to form she ignored all the pain and tried to pull herself up. Her fingers tips burned as she claw4ed at the roof to keep from sliding down. She turned on her back and saw the monsters grasping at the air. They looked almost offended that their food was just out of reach.
    As if their clenching hands and groans were not enough to make her heart stop, the sight behind them made her blood run cold. It was Charlie. He had made it onto the roof with them, as one of them. His body missing chunks as he snarled reaching for her. His eyes, oh god, his eyes were not glowing blue, just like them. They had changed him into one of them; he wasn’t human anymore as he watched Alex hungrily.
    Alex shuttered as she got up.

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