what he had to do to get that sort of assurance from criminals because I never thought of him as one of them. The circumstances behind why he was there, had a lot to do with Stephen being overly protective of his friends, and not giving regard for his family.
“How’s life out of these walls Sav?” He asked taking a seat.
“You know, studying, working. Same old shit different day. I went and saw mum and dad Friday. Told them that you would be out soon, a nd how I would keep you inline.” I said with a short laugh.
“Why do you insist on going to the grave every year Savannah? You need to grow up and let i t go, no wonder you’re unhappy.” Stephen sat on the chair opposite to me and snarled.
“Why do you insist on b eing an asshole and not caring?” I snarled bit at him.
“Look I don’t want to argue with you Savannah, but please no more talk about this. Tell me what else you have be en doing in the outside world.” He remarked.
“I bought the Dodge here, thought I would open her up, maybe take her for a bath. She has been sitting in the barn for a month now gathering dust. Dad would be so disappointed.” I sat in horror as my brother start laughing at me.
“You talk about that car as if it’s a person,” he chuckled. “But it’s adorable.”
I laughed a little when I realised how right he was. I probably sounded stupid. At least I had him laughing.
“Oh, I have a date Tuesday. Long story, but you know me.” I said looking over to see an older woman crying as her son walked away from her table.
“A date hey. That’s scary. Obviously you haven’t told him how messed up your life is, any man would run Sav,” And now I knew he was just being mean. “Cameron messed up you know that right?”
“Screw you Stephen, you’re a prick when you want to be. Obviously I haven’t told him that you’re in here, I haven’t told him much at all. It’s just a date. And thanks for your encouragement and support Brother,” I stood to leave; I wasn’t going to be his punching bag when he was in this mood. “As for Cameron, I don’t want to hear his name again.”
“Stop, I’m sorry Sav. I’m just tired; it’s been o ne of those mornings you know.” Stephen looked every bit what he just said.
“I have to go anyway. I have things to do when I get home. And maybe take the Harley for a burn this afternoon. It was good to see you Stephen, like every time I visit.” I could feel the tears burning my eyes. This was so hard, the saying good bye. This is not what I wanted for him. He was supposed to be setting the example, and taking care of me. Not me coming to visit him for twenty minutes once a week.
“Thanks for coming again. I hope your date goes well. Tell him your brother will be onto him if he hurts you. But don’t tell him I’m in prison , he would defiantly run.” Stephen hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.
“I love you Stephe n, stay safe and please behave.” I missed him so much.
“Yeah you too, see you next week yeah?” He said releasing me and turning. I thought I could see tears in his eyes but wasn’t sure.
I watched him walk away before security grabbed him and escorted him down the hall. I watched until I could no longer see the back of his head. I was patiently waiting for the next few months to pass. I needed him out and safe, where I could keep an eye on him and set him on the right path. His former boss at the mechanic shop has told me time and time again that his job is waiting for him. I just prayed that in the months to follow, Stephen would wise up, lose the attitude and be the brother I needed.
I headed o ut past the first security door, and started walking down the corridor when I heard a familiar laugh. I turn and seen Damon standing at the security window, laughing with the prison guards. He turned just as I realised I was staring at him with probably a startled look on my face. His smile disappeared as I turned and walked as fast as I could to the door. I