Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins

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Book: Read Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins for Free Online
Authors: Leo Mark
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Jesus, Novel, extraterrestrial
couldn´t get the noise out of her head. It wasn´t six a.m. yet, and on Sundays they usually got up after ten. She tried shutting each ear with a pillow but this didn´t work either, so Jane decided to wake her husband and get him to find out where the damned noise was coming from, and to put a stop to it. Lying face down with the pillows over her head, Jane, who slept on the right hand side of the bed, stretched out her long right arm and started shaking the senator, who had always been a heavy sleeper. They could be dropping bombs on Washington just then and the senator would sleep through it. He realized that someone was shaking him but preferred to ignore the fact, hoping that it was just a dream, or even a nightmare, or simply that the unfortunate person that was doing it would stop. Jane knew her husband wouldn´t wake up easily, so she decided to take the pillows off her head and call him by name.
    ‘George, can´t you hear that damn noise?’
    ‘Er… What noise?’ grumbled the senator still half asleep, and lacking the courage to open his eyes.
    ‘That infernal buzzing, what could it be?’
    The senator had no choice, he would have to get up and find out where the damned buzzing was coming from, or he wouldn´t be able to get back to sleep. Gradually he got his eyes open, rubbed them with his hands to help him wake up, and slowly struggled to his feet like a zombie. He and his wife had stayed up late watching old movies. It was a rare privilege, as they were almost always invited out for dinners or other social events.
    ‘That noise really is most irritating!’ exclaimed the senator, as he fumbled for his glasses on the bedside table.
    He got up then and started walking round the room, trying to see where the noise was coming from. He went from side to side, but the volume of the buzzing didn´t seem to vary. He looked through the glass of the door which gave on to the veranda, trying to see if there was anything in the road responsible for the noise. He opened the veranda door and went out. The sound diminished. Then he closed the veranda door from the outside: the sound stopped.
    ‘The noise can only be coming from inside the house. Could it be something to do with the wiring?’ he asked himself.
    He went back into the room, walked over to the door, opened it and went out. Once again the noise ceased. How could the sound be audible only from inside the room? He went back in and closed the door. He went over and unplugged the TV and DVD player, but the sound continued. It was just then that he felt a twitch of unease, remembering what was hidden in his room and what his father had said to him years before.
    ‘It’s not possible. Could the time have come?’ he thought aloud.
    ‘What did you say, honey? Time for what?’ asked Jane, who was frightened at the expression on her husband’s face. ‘What’s
going on?’
    ‘Honey, please, get away from the bed, I’ve got to move it,’ said the senator, plucking up his courage.
    ‘Move the bed? What are you talking about?’ answered his wife, getting increasingly worried.
    ‘Help me push!’
    The two of them started to push the bed, dragging it across the wooden floor.
    ‘I have to open the safe.’
    ‘But honey, the safe isn’t under the bed, it’s in our dressing room. Are you feeling OK?’
    George kneeled down, applied pressure to one of the floor boards and slipped his hand behind the wall, where he had pressed the wood down. He pulled a lever which was hidden behind the wall and at once, as if by magic, a piece of the floor gave way, revealing a hole where a safe attached to the hidden wall could be seen.
    ‘This safe!’ exclaimed George with an enigmatic look.
    ‘But how did that safe get there? Why didn´t you ever tell me about it?’ asked his wife with a rather hurt expression.
    ‘Honey, I couldn´t tell you or anyone about this safe. If someone had threatened you you’d have told them all about it.’
    ‘What do you keep in this

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