Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins

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Book: Read Jesus the Extraterrestrial - Origins for Free Online
Authors: Leo Mark
Tags: Fiction, Thrillers, Jesus, Novel, extraterrestrial
with some drawings on the wall and some cuneiform inscriptions, a mixture of Egyptian and Sumerian. At the end of the room there was a big stone table and on it were twelve wooden boxes, side by side. The boxes had no locks or any apparent means of opening them. They were covered with dust. Then, one by one, each of the monks picked up a box. One of them should contain what was known as the Holy Grail, the holy chalice used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper with his disciples, and which had been used by Joseph of Arimathaea to collect his blood when he was crucified. All the monks - important men, businessmen, politicians and even a prince - were the protectors of the Holy Grail and its secret, not of their own choice but because of a legacy passed down from father to son through the ages. These men were members of a secret society which called itself the Priorate of Sian. The name was no longer of much importance, as they had been unmasked in the previous century. Moreover, others had created secret societies with the same name. However these men were the members of the true Priorate of Sian, created centuries before to protect the Holy Grail and the secret of Jesus Christ on earth.
    What none of the members knew was that the real Holy Grail was not in any of the boxes. One of them contained a perfect replica of the chalice, but the real one had been very well hidden under the control of the grand master since the beginning; it had never been far from his family and would stay near them until the time arrived. Everything that had happened that night was only a show, to direct attention away from the real location of the most precious relic on earth. The theater was necessary, for amongst the members there could be traitors, or one of them could let slip information to an outsider without meaning to. The same show had been staged centuries before when the false Grail was buried in the little church. Perhaps at that time some information got out, because their enemies had got very close to the place where the false Grail was hidden. If there really was a traitor in their midst, the whole simulation would not be in vain.
    The grand master knew this. The idea was that each of them should keep a box. So, in theory, none of them would know which box the sacred relic was in. In single file the monks left the chamber. They closed the main door, took the keys back and returned to the church, closing all the doors and passages through which they had passed. When they got back to the church they carried out some society rituals, were informed about some other matters, then embraced each other and left by the back door. Each one got into his car, which disappeared into the night. They returned to their own countries, to their homes, where they would conceal the box that each of them had taken, until the right moment came.

    Washington DC, 21st February 1991.
    The US Senator for New York, George Griffin, was asleep in bed beside his wife. It was Sunday and the sun had not yet risen. It had been a cold night and the silence outside their big house was unusual for a Sunday. Normally the neighbors gave parties or dinners which lasted well into the night, infuriating the senator with music at top volume, which could be heard blocks away. George couldn´t understand how today´s young people could enjoy that sort of music, let alone at that volume. George and his wife lived in a big house, number 3053 on P Street Northwest in Washington DC. They had moved there from New York in
the eighties.
    After a few minutes, the first rays of the sun began to shine through the glass door which gave on to the veranda of the senator´s suite. The next thing that happened was that a buzzer began to sound insistently, at the frequency of those dog whistles, tormenting and without let-up. The senator´s wife Jane was the first to hear it. She started to shift around in the bed, and tried to cover her head with the blanket, but in vain: she

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