Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2)

Read Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Into the Light (The Admiral's Elite Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: HK Savage
    Fifteen minutes later they had split into couples, their usual when on the road, and were settling into their rooms. Absently Becca wondered if Black didn’t mind them pairing off because it was more cost effective that way and snorted at the thought of the admiral caring about cost.
    Michael looked up from where he was laying a cooler with his “on the road” supply next to his pants in a drawer. Not wanting to talk yet, she smiled and turned her attention back to her own unpacking and effectively closed the door on any conversation.
    When everyone was unpacked they all met in Michael and Becca’s room. Not a fancy motel, their room had two queen beds and slightly more floor space than Ryan and Gabrielle’s king suite. Suite was the motel’s term, not theirs. Becca curled her legs underneath herself and scooted her pillows over to lean back on the headboard. Michael stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed. Ryan and Gabrielle lounged casually on the farther bed. Becca couldn’t help but wonder if they’d already had a quickie, if that was why they were so relaxed. Or maybe she and Michael were just that tense by comparison.
    All having had sufficient time to study the files, they brainstormed. The attacks were random by all counts. The places varied from outside a bar to the middle of a farm field. The choosing of its victims also had no apparent rhyme or reason. The youngest was a recent high school graduate while the oldest had been a semi-retired farmer coming in from checking on his livestock. A variable the admiral’s people considered that the regular police didn’t, lunar cycle, also offered no insight. The only real pattern was the time of attack. Full night, and the victims were always alone. All of them had occurred after the Winter Solstice as well. Five kills in just under three months.
    “Okay, so what do we know about our potential demon?” Michael caught his eyes from wandering to Becca at mention of the same type of creature that had nearly killed her, though not before she caught his slip.
    The way they held their breath when someone said demon had Becca’s teeth on edge. “How do we know it’s a demon? What if it’s some other sort of thing that likes to,” she fought the lump in her throat while she shut down her mental pictures of the last demon she met, “eat people parts?” She’d read about human serial killers who did horrible things like that. Dahmer was a known cannibal and Gein used skin to make lampshades. She mentioned as much.
    “Because of the screams,” Gabrielle answered first. Seeing Becca’s confusion, she went on. “Locals reported hearing a woman shrieking on the nights those people were killed, but not all the victims are female. Ryan called the DNR and there aren’t any mountain lions around here. I doubt it’s a shifter, they aren’t known for going after humans. It could be a werecat of some sort although with the kind of frenzy we’re seeing with the victims the moon would be a more consistent factor. ” She shrugged. “Nothing else sounds like a woman screaming, so it’s got to be demonic. There are a couple of them that use shrieks to freak out their victims. Part of the game for them.”
    A game. No matter how many creatures they’d gone after, nor how many humans she’d apprehended as an MP, Becca couldn’t get past the sick way some hunters toyed with their prey. Her stomach clenched and a few spots appeared in her vision before she shut them down.
    “Ryan, Gab, you can keep tabs on outside tonight. Becca, you and I are going to do some bar hopping and see what we can find out from the locals,” Michael said, assuming his role as their leader.
    Hearing her name brought her focus back to him and Becca couldn’t help her irritation at his pointed efforts to avoid eye contact. It wasn’t until the other two left and they were alone that she felt free to speak. Very quietly, keeping her blood

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